Autos turning hermie help

Hi I have 3 autos outdoors there about one month old they just started flowering and yesterday I found out that two of them turn in to hermie . Have balls . So what can I do with that ? . I was thinking of making seeds from the male flower bud I read some people sad they would just make more hermie seed so dont now . If somebody has some experience or could help me I would be great-full . And thx for help .


Well-Known Member
From what I heard, if you use pollen from a hermie and pollinate a bud that's on a female (non hermie) plant, you'll get feminized seeds with a minor hermie trait.


Well-Known Member
If i had hermie autos I would pollinate a female auto with the pollen (if I had a female, or save the pollen until you do), then make a bunch of seeds. Have a fuck load of feminized auto seeds would be badass.
yeah that would be cool thx for the help and what if I got two hermies a I pollenite the other one and do the same thing with the second on would it work ? or it cant be a hermie ?