Auto's life-cycle


Active Member
@cloudzz600 soz brah I dont have any new pics as of yet cuz its not at my place but the pics I put up where only from 3 days ago actualy my girl sent me one pic but its not a great photoView attachment 2221596 ill put sum more pics up late tomoz xuz thats when ill get ta see my babys as well thanks..


Active Member
@cloudzz600 soz brah I dont have any new pics as of yet cuz its not at my place but the pics I put up where only from 3 days ago actualy my girl sent me one pic but its not a great photoView attachment 2221596 ill put sum more pics up late tomoz xuz thats when ill get ta see my babys as well thanks..


Active Member
20120101_025217_HDR.jpgSoz guys been having net problems all sorted now tho I have new pics of my baby's and my flash Babylon has started to flower which I'm abit disappointed about cuz she's so small and my nl still seem to be In veg still as I said in my older post my temps are around 83-79 degrees during the day and drops about 10-15 degress at nights I have no idea what the humidity is inside my box I have a small fan inside the box and it gets opened 2-3 times a day so fresh air always gets circulated gave umm both a really good flush yesterday cuz I'm still gettin brown tips on my new growth and older leafs are yellowing and dying off what could that be I havent been giving it any nutes at all yet presides a little seasol seaweed fertilizer and power feed as you can tell this is my first attempt at growing under cfls and my first time doin autos so its all fairly new to me so20120101_025337_HDR.jpg20120101_025217_HDR.jpg any advice on what I should or could do would be much appreciated thanks g20120101_025217_HDR.jpguys


Well-Known Member
Don't give any nutes at all. What's power feed and who makes it? What soil are you using? Also do you have a thermometer inside your grow space or are you using the ambient temp as the temp in your grow space?


Active Member
20120101_025236_HDR.jpg20120101_025236_HDR.jpg20120101_025402_HDR.jpg20120101_025354_HDR.jpg sorry bout last post tryna upload from android not fun lol as you can see there not that big at all and there almost 6 weeks old any thoughts I've also got 3 berry ryder seeds ready to go if these don't go so well which I'll be turning into a journal for all to follow thanks heaps guys..


Active Member
Hey cloudz how are ya homes I do have a thermometer inside my box the power feed I gave it is made buy seasol it's all organic and the soil I'm useing is a organic potting mix that I mixed with perlite and lava rock balls at the bottom to help wit drainage only gave umm a small dose about 5ml in 2 liters of phd water or is that to much if so as I said I flushed it really good yesterday so hopefully they start lookin abit better this week thanks for helping me out homes...


Well-Known Member
I would leave the nutes alone. If you have any kind of decent soil the nutes in there will be sufficient for a few weeks. The Fox Farm Ocean Forest I use has enough nutrients to last the first 3 weeks. If you've checked the ph of the water have you checked your run off? I'm surprised you have pistils so early. How old is your plant?

EDIT: Oh well yea at 6 weeks something is very very wrong. My autos aren't even true autos and look how big they are at week 8. When you say flush how much water did you use and how large is your container?


Active Member
Yeah I def know there's sumthin wrong I really need sum help I didn't use any nutes for the first 4 weeks but what I did do is leave them in the solo cups for 4 weeks and I think it really stunted it wasn't expecting such a rapid root growth in such a short time cuz when I transplanted them the root system had use up all the space with the flush I gave um there in 2 gallon pots and I used about 4-4 1/2 to 5 liters to flush them till the run off was clear I did .ph test the run off and it still was a little bit high around 6.8 but I can't be to accurate cuz I'm only using a cheap 10 dollar chemical ph test kit I got from my local hydro store cheers cloudz... @cloudz2600 I gave ya +rep for being a legend and tryna help a fellow green thumb out when no one else would thanks homes


Active Member
Any one think I should mabey switch my lights out and change the light schedule to 12/12 any advice anyone...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2225847View attachment 2225847View attachment 2225849View attachment 2225851 sorry bout last post tryna upload from android not fun lol as you can see there not that big at all and there almost 6 weeks old any thoughts I've also got 3 berry ryder seeds ready to go if these don't go so well which I'll be turning into a journal for all to follow thanks heaps guys..
Whatever you used to plant these with clearly isn't working. If you have fresh seeds then i would suggest doing some research and starting again.
For 6 weeks in that is nowhere near the size they should be,
saying that a friend of mine started 6 MI5 from short stuff a while ago, and all of them were mutated looking things like yours after 3-4 weeks which he pulled the plug on, so it could be the batch of seeds you had.


No luck with reattaching. Time for a science experiment then.
1 week after the snap, changed water every day and gets full sun exposure in a warm room. No sign of roots, the lower leaves are losing colour. Another few days and it'll be dead.
Oh well, no biggie.


Active Member
Yeah I think I left them in the solo cups for to long and they got stunted from being root bound I think I'll leave umm and see how they go as the flash Babylon is flowering and the nl seem to still be growing and I only used organic potting mix wit perlite and lava rocks at the bottom to help with drainage and had the same medium in the solo cups minus the lava rocks in the pictures you seen they had only just been transplanted into bigger pots and only been in there for a week and a half now and there is some new growth comin up so I might just see what happens even if I get a small yield its all personal any way and iam sure if it gets a little cola goin it should be pretty potent I would say so what do ya think 2timer by the way super nice cola brah looks juice as a mofo hahahaha so you think I should just switch to 12/12 or just leave umm at 18/6 I've also switched sum of my globes out so I've got a mixture of red and blue spectrum should that be fine even if the nl hasn't started flowering I think it's show its sex tho which is female so that's good cuz they where feminized seeds thanks guys and thanks 2timer for the reply and given a honest opinion cheers..


Active Member
@CHICO23 -- A couple of things for you buddy, take them how you want. I don't have a great deal of experience with autos yet, because this is my first run with them. I have read in lots of different places that it's not a good idea to transplant autos. Any time you transplant, you are stressing the plant - it doesn't necessarily hurt your plant, just adds undue stress. Most autos seem to have a very short veg cycle - so we don't want to stunt them whatsoever. This is why it's also a good idea to keep Topping & FIM'ing to a minimum - we don't want to do anything to stunt growth due to the short period of time we are able to veg them. With a normal photo plant you can keep her in veg for as long as you want; so it really doesn't matter as much when we lose a little growth time due to stresses on the plant. With auto's they're going to flower when they flower, regardless of the light cycle... nothing we can do to postpone that. So, if it were me, I would start your next autos in your final grow medium & pot.

Another question - what size pots are you using? This is what the guy at a local shop told me... granted I haven't had a chance to research it or anything yet.. Your above the surface growth is a reflection of how your roots are doing. If you have slow root-growth and/or unhealthy roots, you are not going to see that explosive growth above the surface either. I had a Nirvana Bubblelicious in this group that got a really slow start... she just kind of "stalled out" after getting her second set of leaves. He told me that sometimes until the roots start hitting barriers (ie: side & bottom of pot) and branching off and bulking up, I wouldn't see much going on above the surface with my plant.

You can tell a lot by just LOOKING at your plants - do they look like they're healthy? If so, be patient - it's a weed & it WILL grow. If they don't look healthy do some research and find out what the problem is - most of the time it's something you can fix. I would like to see your girls to get a better idea. I would be a little nervous about them being so small after 5 weeks though.

*** EDIT *** sorry I know lots of this was already mentioned - I responded after reading your post on page 4 CHICO. I agree with CLOUDZ - see how plain, ph balanced water works for the next couple of feedings. Most nutrients are VERY concentrated - I've never used the stuff you have, but 5ml in 2L of water sounds like quite a bit. The Cal/Mag I use calls 1ML per Gal. The other F.F. stuff is anywhere from 3-6 teaspoons per Gal.

After seeing the picture of that one baby little girl flowering, something is definitely not right. Your veg cycle is nearly complete - you might get more vertical growth for a week or two, but then she's going into full flower mode. And at that point there's no going back... I would follow CLOUDZ suggestion and just pull 'em. No since in wasting the grow space, time, and nutrients for such a small payoff. Just imagine the size of bud(s) that thing is going to produce -- maybe a bowl, or if you're really lucky, a blunt? I'm not saying this to be mean, or hate on you, only to share my opinion. Get some new seeds started after you make any corrections to your setup you think are necessary. Then again, it would be interesting to see just that one plant after its' full cycle... whatever you end up doing, I wish you the best of luck... keep it green buddy!


Active Member
Def thanks mdeva for the advice I know I stressed umm to the max by not just putting them in the 2 gallon pots from the start and leaving umm in the solo cups for 4 weeks (idiot) hahahaha and I didn't use phd water from the start I used tap water for like 2 and a half weeks as well and it caused a salt build up and gave umm abit of a deficiency this is my first time doin autos as well under cfls so it was kind of a trial and error for my next grow I'll be crankin 2 berry ryders and I'll be doin a journal on them so I would be very appreciated if yous could tune in and watch the process and swing sum info my way when I get umm going as for pulling umm up I think I'll just let them finish and see how my box goes for flowering as I couldn't pull up a flowering plant no matter how small at least I'll get ta taste what the strains are like and if I like umm I'll just order some more thanks heaps guys for all the info and advice and I'll post some more pics of my baby's soon there gunna be my little bonsai bonanzas now hahahaha..


Active Member
I'll tell you what Chico - you subscribe to my journal and keep an eye on it from time to time, and I'll do the same when you start yours. I can't seem to pique anyone's interest with my grow, lol. It's probably just haters since I'm only using a 250 watt HID light. I'm sure if I lied & said 400 Watt (which I WILL have when the next batch starts) there would have been loads of people watching until the end. I raised my light up 2 days ago, gave the taller girl about 3-5 inches to grow... when I got off work this evening, she was touching the tempered glass on the hood. Had to raise it up again. Can't believe how fast they are growing. I'm just really loving how healthy they are - not the first sight of anything yellow, or burnt tips, or curling, or bugs, nothing! I have to say - the autos are fun to watch! I still think I'll go with regular plants next time. I really just tried the autos to test my new light setup, dial in the ventilation, try out the Fox Farm Nutrients, and kill my curiosity about autos in general. I don't want to put my time and energy into a plant that MIGHT yeild an ounce of medium to high medium grade smoke. I want to grow the strains with large yield (3-5 oz) and SUPER HIGH THC content ... like 25%+++. Anyways man - I know how it is not having the heart to pull up a living plant... my first plant was just some bagseed under some CFL's. I did everything you could imaging wrong - didn't have drainage in the pot, used incadescents to start it, temps were regularly 80+ degrees, no nutrients aside from molasses, etc. I ended up having to harvest about a week or so early - didn't even get a chance to flush due to emergency. The smoke is not terrible, it's definitely some creeper, but has very little aroma. I did get about an oz & 1/4 dry weight so not bad given all the terrible shit I did to that poor girl. LATER MAN keep it green!


Active Member
so has anyone had feminized autos turn to male at all? Ive got bubblelicious auto feminized,I havent seen any pistils yet in week 3 still looks they are vegging.