Autos growing slow?


Well-Known Member
I can't really give advice on if it's slow but I've been growing autos, once they were massive I used a super soil then, I changed to Coco, didn't wash and rinse properly, this stunted my autos unbelievably so much I eventually had to pull them, then I over watered one, this stunted its growth, so what I'm saying is if you have stressed the plant by whatever means it will grow slow, is the light okay, are the temps okay, what's the watering like etc.


Well-Known Member
That's a big no good buddy.

Those should be much bigger. They will flower real soon if thats 3 weeks already.


Well-Known Member
The smaller ones are in clear coke bottles. That will cause issues if the light hits the roots. Wrap em up with something not clear.

Barneys mate

Active Member
They get atleast 12 hours of good ambient light but around 8 hours direct sunlight
They need much more light mate. That’s the reason the growth is slow. You need a minimum of 18 hours of good light. Mine are on 24 hours. You’ll get no where with your current light situation