Autos and fertilizer, quick question


I just read in another post that autos do not respond well to fertilizer. Is that true? I wasn't planning on giving any fertilizer until they were in flower anyway, but now I am wondering if even that is a good idea. My mix is very well rounded with all kinds of beneficial stuff in it, such as ewc, kelp, blood and bone meal, etc, but in good proportions. I have grown outdoor successfully in the past and I have grown many a tomato, but the indoor auto thing is new to me, not gardening in general.
not to sure growing my first auto now am not gona feed her till she looks hungry (3-4 weeks) By that time should be pre flowering hit her with very small dose of flowering nutes


Well-Known Member
never had fun with autos before. but I would suggest at least 25 % of the fertilizer, keep the plant happy, I honestly cant see any difference between an auto and photo plant having much of a difference in fertilizer needs, only thing I would question is when you should start using flowering fert , my opinion only. if you don't add any the plant may not get big and be unhealthy no final yield, unable to fight diseases, if I was doing it I would treat them like photo plants same strength and put them into 12 12 after a month of veg, to get the best possible conditions for it,


Well-Known Member
they are nute sensitive from germ to the 3rd to 5th node there is no need to feed them at this point anyway
and only require light feedings after 3-5 nodes/preflower/14-21 days


Well-Known Member
Yea bro, I am growing an autoflower now, she started to preflower at right about a month. I hit her with 1/2 nutes and she showed a little nute burn. hit her a couple weeks later with a 1/4 dose and she loves it. I def. wouldn't hit her with any nutes till she preflowers and go in 1/8-1/4 dose at first and see how she responds


Thanks for the advice all. I am curious when people say 1/4 nutes. I am kind of little more free flowing with them and do not really measure. I do what feels right and have great success in my garden, but I know MJ is a little different. Especially in controlled environs. I do know to not over do it though. I use og ferts so my chances of burn and such are much less. Thanks kinddiesel for the link. RIU is a great place to learn!!

I stumbled on this stuff I am going to mix into my medium from the get go: