autopot nutrient advice please!


Active Member
Hi all, for my next grow I'm gonna give autopots with canna coco and perlite a try, what nutes should I use in my res? Iv got canna aqua vega and flores from my last grow in nft, can I use those? I was thinking hesi maybe? Really id just like to know what other autopot users find works for them. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Use a coco specific nute to avoid imbalances. You may be able to use up the rest of your nutes but will probably have to add calmag.
Use the CLEANest nutes you can find for autopots. I started with Botanicare CNS17 but it left way too much residue. Now I use Canna and it works much better.
Hesi works well but I am not sure how clean it is.
Don't forget to flush occasionally:peace: