Automation - DC current measuring device

"that would be basically be the hardware needed beside a HA installation."
What does this involve? Yes, im noobie AF
yes and as there are so many options it can be a bit overwhelming.

have you ever build a pc? made some bios settings, installed a system on it?
then i would go straight for a prebuild x86 mini pc, make 2 bios settings, plug in a ubuntu stick, do some magic and done.

often a Raspi is used for HA, there is image one can simply write from a PC or Mac on to a, i recommend , SSD (SD are unreliable).
so a Raspi, a SSD and a USB to SSD adapter.
it comes to a similar price of a mini pc in the end.

do you have a laptop in house?
nothing wrong with shelly, i havent seen if their plug monitors power.
if you use a relay same for this, needs power monitoring.

they have their own ecosystem while beeing very open, can be easily integrated in to HA, but i cant help much there as i havent used one of their devices.
Basically i do like their mqtt aproach, but be prepared that you will need wifi for them (no big deal most often).

to my view zigbee is the easiest to setup atm in HA and they offer a lot devices, more then shelly does.
setting up shellies will be easy too prob.
zigbee needs less power so you have more options for battery driven devices like temp/hum sensors.
so i would prob skip shelly and simply buy me what i need as a zigbee device.
while in the end it doesnt matter much as long the device is in homeassitant, its there, same, no matter if wifi, zigbee bt.
yes and as there are so many options it can be a bit overwhelming.

have you ever build a pc? made some bios settings, installed a system on it?
then i would go straight for a prebuild x86 mini pc, make 2 bios settings, plug in a ubuntu stick, do some magic and done.

often a Raspi is used for HA, there is image one can simply write from a PC or Mac on to a, i recommend , SSD (SD are unreliable).
so a Raspi, a SSD and a USB to SSD adapter.
it comes to a similar price of a mini pc in the end.

do you have a laptop in house?
I have my own laptop, and theres a computer onsite but of dodgy quality, its used for streaming mostly.
So a raspi, or similar; would it be accessible thru tab or similar?
can you link me to the information to the relays?
would it be capable to monitor just the wattage of a plug/realy an use that as a rule?
i havent found some like this.
goin only after a humidity value of the pulse and guess, well now the quest will prob run, i act, isnt that great and one need to spend quite some money on it.
Setup home assistant based on the pulse grow data measurements like humidity. Then you use any home assistant compatible relay to send 24V to the quest and dimming signal to the LEDs
just had a quick look, so the pulse grow can be integrated in to HA it seems.
good to know, as its a nice device.
but just for the humidity? a 50th of the price will do.
of course rocket can consider the spectrometer version as it would a nice to toy for him for sure.
just had a quick look, so the pulse grow can be integrated in to HA it seems.
good to know, as its a nice device.
but just for the humidity? a 50th of the price will do.
of course rocket can consider the spectrometer version as it would a nice to toy for him for sure.
Definitely cheaper ways to do. But this Can measure every single enviro input in one device and give you back the value as needed. I am sure there is a cheaper way with all sonoff or zigbee devices.
I have my own laptop, and theres a computer onsite but of dodgy quality, its used for streaming mostly.
So a raspi, or similar; would it be accessible thru tab or similar?
great, thats all you need.
just, starting from android or ios dont work i think.

its a bit ago i flashed my raspi.
but have a look here
its a exact descprition of what to do till "You finished the Raspberry Pi setup! ".

replace the sd with a ssd (connected by adapter to your usb on laptop and a later raspi, behave the same as a sd card then).

in your case, just to get the feet wet i would buy a raspi 4 2gb 80€, a 128gb ssd 20€, a ssd to usb adapter 15€ and a 3A 5V usb powersupply 15€.
Definitely cheaper ways to do. But this Can measure every single enviro input in one device and give you back the value as needed. I am sure there is a cheaper way with all sonoff or zigbee devices.
as i say , nice device, co2 and ppfd are of course vlauable informations, just dont fit in this scenario i think.
i wouldnt buy a 200 or 500$ just to know the humidity/temp vpd and in this case the used power of the quest is the more valuable info anyway.