hm, i think there is no ready made solution for your needs.
if youre not in to heavy diy on the control side, you have to stick to whats avaiable.
Sounds like a great idea to have 4 trays sie by side and see how they react in comparsion, i hope you will share some pictures and insights.
My 2 tent setup is a bit similar to 2 of your trays and as you know i play a bit longer with it now.
Shelly is quite open and can be integrated everywhere ,also HA, as it uses MQTT (over Wlan), but the BT feature is just ment to setup your Wlan password.
You might can set the power and send a on off, but thats without much use without a constantly running unit in the back, hub, HA server.
Or, in that case you might skip anything "smart" completly and use potentiometers etc.
If youre willing to use a Hub, i heavily recommend HA, its a bit overwhelming in its capabilites (held me back for quite some time from it),
but you dont need to go mad! (you can),
they invested a lot time to make it really userfriendly and easy to setup, i think its even easier then the IKEA hub.
So, my 2 cent for your tray setup:
-one zigbee smart plug with power measurement (will just give you a total AC side Wattage, by demand switch only one channel on and see the W)
-one 4ch zigbee smart plug in front ( to save wiring)
-4 Meanwell drivers AB or B type, or any other with PWM or 0-10 dimming input to this 4 channel "plug" from Ali.
-a ESP32 flashed with esphome plus 4 optocouplers an circuitry to be able to set the power, connected to your 4 drivers of course.
(going to build me some unit like this also prob. ....when i find the time and there is nothing premade till then).
-a homeassistant running
-on this install "simplesheduler" to be able to setup your timings, its very convenient.
-put your power sliders and timers on a dashboard, done.
you can control the complete HA over the APP on your tablet, just installation of HA itself needs a PC or MAC, to be able to use Etcher basically (easiest way).