Automatic watering system --i need help


Well-Known Member
Okay so i have my garden in my attic and i'm only going to be able to get up there maximum 3 times/ week. so i'm thinking of in stalling a automatic watering system so my plants wont go without there food. My question is does the water tank have to be lower than the plants or does it even matter? it would be better for me if i didnt have to have the plants lifted in anyway but i heard the tank could flood if the plants were on the ground with the tank.

thanks to anyone that can help

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
what kind of media are you growing in? for your situation i would recommend growing organically with an auto drip-system or similar means of watering. org. so that the nutes will come from the soil (mainly) and you will just have to maintain a reservoir of clean water, instead of constantly adding nutrients. or, you could think about having your reservoir somewhere more easily accesible and growing hydro or aero...


Well-Known Member
емега[Ł]đ;576228 said:
Get these things called water globes and they will water the plants for you man.. Have a good grow.
water globes huh?


Well-Known Member
Do those water globes actually work? Has anyone used any simliar products, like water crystals and such?

I have a similar problems, except I can only water once a week. Thinking of perhaps using a wick method, but not sure how I would use nutes with that system