automatic trimmers


Well-Known Member
Hello world, just wanted to ask if any of you know much about automatic trimmers? my budget is about $500 and I am wondering if I should try one of these clear-top manual bowl trimmers that can be had off ebay for under $150. they also have electrical models with just the blade box and screen and you move the buds back and forth yourself to trim for around 250-350 and better yet the spinning blade/grill plus bud mover top finger part I dunno anyone use any of these??


Well-Known Member
never used one..but from the videos i see i don't like em. i feel like its knocking off trichs along with the trim. i'm sure someone with experience would provide better info though.


Well-Known Member
Frenchy cannoli said he tried running hash from trim that came from am automatic trimmer and had quality issues because of just that reason...and we know how much of a ice hash master he is, Most of the trich's prolly get knocked off the trim, so I can't image what they too the buds...but I have never run one either, if I was doing 10 bows every couple months it would be awesome to have


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt use my spinner trimmer for tops or good side nugs but for bottom fluffernutters its fine. I'd burn out trimming a bunch of ugly fluffers anyway. Its not so much the trimming part that beats them up its the rubber fingers that keep the weed moving around.