Automatic Blueberry - Keeping It Simple


Active Member
Well, for this grow I wont be doing any indoors or anything too fancy outside. I will be moving soon and setting up my grow room at the new house. I have ten non-feminized Automatic Blueberry seeds. The plan for right now is to put all the seeds when ready into non-fertilized soil for the first two weeks. Then I will begin administering some grow nutes for two weeks. After that I will begin phasing in flowering nutes for 3 weeks. Then I will flush for 1-2 weeks. These times are approximate as from the information I've gathered online with regards to autoflowering strains{and non-autos I would imagine as well} that the time it takes from seed to harvest according to the breeders is usually a week or two earlier than what most growers will experience with their own. But thet schedule above is based on the breeders claim of 9 weeks from seed. I'll be growing the seeds outside in pots at my place for awhile and likely relocating to a more secure and lower risk location after eliminating the males.

I began germinating{paper towel method} my seeds at about 12:40 in the am yesterday. At about 3:00 this morning I woke up and checked them no sign of seeds cracking yet, though I was groggy so its possible I missed something. Then at 7:00 two have cracked. One of them much more so than the other. The root is already protruding from the seed a good ways so I'll be throwing it into some soil very soon. I'll provide pictures as often as I can though between work and a personal life and caring for the plants my time will be limited. However I shall try to offer as much information as possible with regards to my grow. I suppose thats all for now...Oh yeah, this is my first grow journal...Figured I'd put that out there.


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Nine seeds cracked now, eight in soil. The ninth's root isn't protruding from the shell yet, just visible through the slight crack. The tenth was the largest seed and hopefully will be cracking soon. I've been keeping the temp up and checking to be sure the towels are still moist. It was by far the largest of the ten seeds...doubt that has anything to do with it to be the last to crack{assuming it does} but maybe the shell is extra thick...


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Well, all ten have cracked...Eight are fine. The other two, I'm not so sure about...I think they may have gotten too much water. But still, I'm ok with eight of ten if the other two don't bounce back. Like i said before, just a trial run of auto strains. Will likely do an indoor grow of Shortrider next but thats the future. Actually need to go water right now, got plenty of sun today...


Active Member
Well, seven out of ten so far{I'm fairly sure I can write the others off}. No pics yet. Looking alright at the moment...Not exactly how I wanted this grow to go. But once I get moved and re-setup my grow room I may try the strain again but using a hydro setup. Hoping I can get at least four females...Probably going to breed one of the females, haven't decided yet as I'm not sure if I want to grow the strain again...Leaning more towards White Dwarf. But I wont know until later. Have to see how everything goes{granted if anything doesn't work out, it will of course be my fault not the plants}.


Active Member
Good luck to ya m8. I heard that strain is not all that stable and requires a lot of attention to fertilizer levels. The pics i have seen of the strain looks nice but im kinda wondering if the buds will be that bright pink color as final product cuz that neon pink would be hella trippy in ure stash box. Hurry and post some pics i want to watch how this strain performs.


Active Member
Well, growth was stalled for about a week due to lack of nutrients when I had to go out of town. Should've been more clear in my instructions I suppose however since my return they've really started improving with the introduction of some nutes. Its actually indoor now five under a flourescent currently and one under a 400 watt hps along with two diesel ryders and some clones from Snow White/Jock Horror. I'll get some pictures up in about a week. Eventually all six will be under the HPS once they've all gotten some size to them. I usually rotate the one under the HPS back to flourescent and put one of the larger ones in less need of the blue/white spectrum of lighting to the HPS. I'd say about two weeks and I'll probably go ahead and have them all under the HPS. The nutes I'm using at the moment are Root 66, Sugar Daddy and Thrive Alive. Transplanted them about three days ago into 3 gallon grow bags from 1 gallon pots. It was at that time they made the trip indoors. As far as bud color I'm not really sure, I know with a lot of the purple strains some come out that color and others don't. Various factors come into play but I guess we'll know in about six or seven weeks...


Active Member

let us know if they all autoflower
For sure...Originally I wanted to go with one of Joint Doctors or Mdanzigs strains as they have more credibility when it comes to autoflowering. But I was enticed by the blueberry flavor and I have to admit it, the coloring along with the claim of high THC content. Which I doubt given that ruderalis strains are extremely weak, I would think anything crossed with a ruderalis could get medium at best...I suppose a few select plants may have high THC content but I wouldn't think it to be enough of them for Lowlife to be making such claims for the strain overall. Anyways, once everthings dried and cured at the end I'll do a smoke report. I don't smoke too often so it usually doesn't require much{relative speaking} to get me soaring high as long as its good stock. Tried a little Pure Power Plant and was gone for quite some time so I'll be letting a friend speak for me as far as the strength goes.


Active Member
Well, they are all showing pre-flowers currently. Still very small, they never really grew that well outside to begin with, they were getting 5-7 hours of sunlight a day though their was a lot of bad weather which was keeping the sunlight away for some time. Tis the reason I lost four to begin with, didn't protect them well enough.
week 9 (2).jpgWEEK 8 (3).jpgweek 9 (3).jpgweek 9.jpgI just got done with auto blue berry from dutch passion They flowered in 25 days from seed finished in 42 days of flowering not a lot of trippy colors like avertized anybody no how to bring the color out on this strain sampled a little bit the high was as good as i exspected but was still good all in the head my trichomes where all milky white left some on to see how long it is going take to start turning amber amber will give a more narcotic effect. here is the flyer for auto blueberry

Changed to budding in 25 days
Recommended for: chronic pain, muscle spasms, anti-nausea, anti-emetic, and appetite stimulant???
regular blueberry is​

Dutch Passion - AutoBlueberry (Feminized)

AutoBlueberry was created for different reasons. First of all to bring superior quality in the automatic feminized genepool. Blueberry itself is one of our all-time bestsellers, a Dutch Passion Classic. The special qualities of Dutch Passion’s Blueberry are known worldwide. In AutoBlueberry these qualities are incorporated in the feminized and automatic form. Automatic feminized varieties have several advantages above light-cycle dependent feminized varieties:

AutoBlueberry is ready for harvest in about ten weeks, the plants appear outdoors for only a short period. They don’t grow tall and hide themselves easy for the eye of unwelcome visitors. For the same reason it is possible to harvest outdoors two or three times per season, depending on the latitude. At Northern latitudes it is a very attractive alternative for an early summer crop, while in Mediterranean climates two or three harvests per season are not uncommon. In every aspect AutoBlueberry is a true cosmopolitan. Indoors this variety is an amazing alternative for growing from clones.

As an automatic genetic source we have used Canadian Ruderalis genetics. Backcrossing till the F4 generation resulted in AutoBlueberry to become 100% automatic. The F4 autoflowered 100%, 25 days after germination of the seeds. Our AutoBlueberry seeds (F5) were produced by selfing the F4.

The plants still carry most of the Blueberry characteristics, so the phenotype is distinctive Blueberry. Most plants display the famous light blue/purple colouring, characteristic of Blueberry. Smell and taste are sweet and fruity (blueberry). The strength and quality of the high/stone is above moderate.

Seed to Harvest: approximately 10 weeks.
  • Single seed orders are always labelled separately and for peace of mind we include an equal portion of the original product carton. Orders of whole packets are supplied in the original sealed carton.
    Find out more about our service and our shipping guarantee.
  • Feminized for £9.81 / $ 15.12
  • Feminized x10 for £98.10 / $ 151.22

    here are some pics at my buddies house