Automatic AK47 grow

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
woops didnt read 2nd page

Why did you start them at different dates now the canopy will be un even?
At first, I just germ'ed two seeds, but only one took (my oldest). Then I germ'ed two more, and I planted those when I thought the roots were long enough. What will happen if the canopy gets uneven? This is assuming they are all females to grow that big, right? From my experience with these seeds, I'm only expecting one or two to be female.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
My oldest plant is now almost two weeks old and looking strong, but I'm going to start going by my youngest plant. I can't believe that there is only a week's worth of growth difference between them. The oldest is 4cm tall (up from just over 3cm yesterday), while the other two are at 2cm.
Also, there seems to be some slight nute burn? on the tips of seedling 2 (pic 3). It doesn't seem to be happening anywhere else, and isn't spreading. I wasn't going to do another reservoir change until this Sunday. Hrmm... I'll keep an eye on it.



Well-Known Member
Do you not know the ppm of your res?

It doesnt look to bad but keep and eye on it, in hydro things go bad realll quick.

The growth of your plants will be exponential, and the bigger plants will block the light to the smaller ones. Try to train the bigger ones a little bit.

I thought all the autos were fem?


Well-Known Member
Hmm no its not as important in soil. In hydro you are providing everything the plant needs where as in soil there is normally nutes etc in it already.

Ebay is prob the best bet, Im in the UK so i dunno hydro shops for you.

A 2 second search found me this:|65:15|39:1|240:1318

Remember though you get what you pay for.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Good to know. I'm definitely considering going soil for my next grow. It seems easier, especially since I'm only growing a couple plants at a time.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
No big differences today, a little growth (tallest is 4.2 cm other two at 2.2 cm) but nothing catastrophic or anything. I've noticed some white spots on the leaves (pictured). I think this could be something that's in my tap water that I've been misting them with? So now, I'm going to start misting with R.O. water only.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Of course! Since I had posted that nothing catastrophic had happened yesterday, something during the night would go wrong. My plants looked all wilted this morning when I checked in on them. The timer on my water pump has been giving me grief since I first set everything up. First, it wouldn't come on when it was supposed to and now I suspect it watered them too long last night. How can I tell if the plants are under watered or over watered?

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Ok, after waking and baking this morning I checked the plants to find them wilting. They looked underwatered, but I know overwatering is a more common mistake so I was a little torn on how to remedy it. I'm pretty sure now they didn't get watered last night because they got watered when I was at work, and now have recovered about 90%. Except for one plant which actually seems to be doing better than before. Actually, that same plant didn't even seem affected this morning even though the other two were severely drooping. Third pic is improving? plant.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Thats overwatering. But it doesnt look to bad. Remember that floc holds a lot of water.
What's floc? Also, one of my plants' (the first pic from yesterday) leaves started curling up yesterday, but now both sides are curling up today. What could be causing this?

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
When I came home today, the plant with the leaves curling on it(pic 1) is getting worse. The plant might be able to be salvaged, but I don't know what exactly went wrong with it. I'm flushing the res today and putting new nutes in tomorrow. If it either dies or doesn't start improving, I'm gonna put another seedling I've had growing in its place.
The good news is my other two plants seem to be doing fine. The oldest one(pic 2)'s preflowers are coming in nicely and the youngest one(pic 3) looks really healthy I think. The roots are starting to poke out of the netcups I have them in. Hopefully they'll get long enough to reach the nutrient solution so I don't have to rely on my crappy timer to water them.



Well-Known Member
Hmm I'm not an expert on hydro so i cant say what that is. Floc is the small cubes of RW. Do you have any other sorces of water available?


Well-Known Member
hey man, i will be watching your grow and subscribing...those seedlings look awesome! im outta town but i shall be back on the 19th to give you a proper run down of what you can expect =rep for the great start!

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
hey man, i will be watching your grow and subscribing...those seedlings look awesome!
Thanks, Cheddar! I hope my plants look like yours when they get older!
So, I started flushing my reservoir last night and they have now taken three waterings. They are on their night cycle until 7 p.m., but as soon as the lights come on I'll add the nutes to the R.O. water in time for their feeding at 8 and post today's pictures then.


Well-Known Member
If floc is fully saturated on a full grown plant it only needs to be watered once a day. This info is from al b fukts flood and drain. I dunno what that means for a drip put maybe they are staying wet to long?

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
If floc is fully saturated on a full grown plant it only needs to be watered once a day. This info is from al b fukts flood and drain. I dunno what that means for a drip put maybe they are staying wet to long?
This could be the case. To try and compensate for overwatering, I pushed my water cylce back an hour to have more time to dry under the light before it goes off. I also decreased the duration of the last watering before the light goes out. Hopefully this will help.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Things aren't looking good for plant #1. Its old leaves seem to be getting worse, and the new leaves aren't growing at all. It looks like I may have to replace it with seedling #4 soon. Plant #2, the oldest, looks okay. The lower leaves are a little yellow, thinking this might be a N deficiency, I changed the nutes today. Plant #3, however, usurped plant 2 for the rights to be called my baby. She looks amazing! Also, the preflowers on #2 are coming in and I'm afraid they're balls(pic attached of the plant's and mine to compare them to, jk). Can anyone confirm this for me? If it is male, I need to uproot it and feed it to my cat..

