Automatic AK47 grow

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Okay, so I decided to start a journal of my latest grow. This is only my third go round, but my first grow with a REAL light source, so I'm excited to see the difference it hopefully makes.
Anyway, I'm growing Automatic AK47 in rockwool with General Hydroponics nutes(3 part not advanced, yet) and a 400W MH/HPS.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
So, I planted my first seed on 3/26/09, the second on 3/31/09, the third on 4/2/09, and the fourth on 4/4/09. Here are a few pics of the first seedling age 4 days.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Here are some more pics of the babies. These are seedlings 1 and 2 at age 7 days and 3 days respectively. After a week of just water, i added nutes to the reservoir at half strength.



Active Member
fyi, i'd try to keep tha cat as far from the grow room as possible, my buddy's cat got his growroom infested w spidermites, aka the devil..


Active Member
gl to you tho... i'm actually growing ak47 as well this time around... first hydro grow at my place as well... have helped with many but this is all mine, very excited..!

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Here are the most recent pics of my plants(today). The first one is 12 days old and about 3.3cm, the second is 8 days old and almost 2cm, and the third is just 5 days old but just as tall as #2.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
What could be causing the leaves to grow like this? Only the first set of leaves appear to be angled, but I don't want that to be a sign of things to come for the rest of the plant.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Well, it seems like I'm having a pH issue. I checked it earlier today, and it was high(between 7.0 and 8.0). I pH'ed the water to 6.0 and went to work. Six hours and one 8 minute watering later, I check the pH again and its back where it was! What could be causing this? I was misting with water that wasn't ph'ed, but I didn't think that would be that much of a factor. I pH'ed the spray bottle just in case, though. Any thoughts?

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
My oldest plant is now 13 days old, the others are 9 days and 8 days. Do I set my schedule around the younger ones or the older one? While, I want the smaller two to catch up to the biggest, I also want the biggest to start budding as soon as possible. I'm assuming I'm supposed to go by the younger ones.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Haven't had a pH problem today. I still have no idea what could've caused yesterdays spike. They have been watered twice since yesterday, once at 4am and once at 12pm. I checked the pH after each watering and it was still at 6.0. Any ideas?

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Haven't had a pH problem today. I still have no idea what could've caused yesterdays spike. They have been watered twice since yesterday, once at 4am and once at 12pm. I checked the pH after each watering and it was still at 6.0. Any ideas?
Hey man its looking good. I would go by the youngest plant and when it comes time to switch the older ones to 12/12 just simply pull them out of the light and put into a dark place for the dark period.Atleast thats what i did when i had that same issue.

As for the PH, there are literally a billion diff things it could be, Just keep an eye on it and adjust your new water regularily. Give us more details about everything!!


Well-Known Member
Plants look good...props to you for jumping into the hydro with both feet. I would like to try it after a couple of grows in soil. Are you using a PH meter or the good 'ol test kit.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Hey man its looking good. I would go by the youngest plant and when it comes time to switch the older ones to 12/12 just simply pull them out of the light and put into a dark place for the dark period.Atleast thats what i did when i had that same issue.

As for the PH, there are literally a billion diff things it could be, Just keep an eye on it and adjust your new water regularily. Give us more details about everything!!
Thanks for comment, MacDonald. I will definitely be keeping closer tabs on my pH. I was only checking it with every reservoir change, but now I will do it every day. I won't put them on 12/12 because they're autos, but I did switch the lights to 18/6 today to give them a little rest.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Plants look good...props to you for jumping into the hydro with both feet. I would like to try it after a couple of grows in soil. Are you using a PH meter or the good 'ol test kit.
Hey, Loco! Thanks for checking my journal out. Yea, I figured the autos would be a good first step into hydro because of how simple they were to grow. I don't have a pH meter yet, just using the cheapie test kit. Most of my money went into the light, so I can't get the other good stuff yet.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
I am; however, thinking about going soil for my next grow. I've read it tastes better? I would've assumed that ones grown in water would be more pure than in dirt, but I know that the chemicals used for hydro can affect the taste. Also, I understand you have to water it less frequently. What is a good soil mix to use?


Well-Known Member
woops didnt read 2nd page

Why did you start them at different dates now the canopy will be un even?