Autoflower TrainWreck Hermaphrodite ? ?

Hey there everyone.

I just went through a cycle with 4 autoflower plants from Crop King Seeds. Two Trainwrecks and two White Widows.

One of my Trainwrecks grew a couple sets of pollinating balls that I pinched off real early.

At the end of the grow only that trainwreck developed any seeds. I have dried and as I was putting the buds from that plant into jars for cure I pulled out like 24 seeds.

Couple of questions. Are the seeds any good? I have read here and elsewhere that I should toss them and I have also read that I should keep them because they would be feminized? I am not sure as this was my first indoor grow.

The other two plants that went into flower (the two white widows) budded really nice and no seeds at all were developed.

The fourth plant was another trainwreck and did not develop buds at all. So what I am doing is keeping that plant in the tent and flipped it to 12/12 light to see what the hell is going to happen.

Like I said this is kind of bonkers but there were all autoflowers from get go.

What happened (Stress?)

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
A self-pollinated plant will produce about 80% herm seeds.
A fem pollinated by a herm will produce fem seeds with a slight chance of herm.