Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Active Member
hi all , i currently have 3 easy bud autoflowerers been under a 250w son t for 3 days . they r nw about 20mm high . im strugglin to keep humidity up its around 28% and 26 celsius . any suggestions to improve enviroment greatly appreciated thanks all


Well-Known Member
50%- 65% in veg and lower right dwn to 20% at end of flowering to avoid mould.. have ever considered getting a fogger?


Well-Known Member
cool m8 best way no way to learn better than first hand. a fogger will increase ya humididty but its an added expense, nt much bout twenty quid. bt sometimes 20 quid cud do wit going on eleccy lol


I am trying my hand at growing auto's and all has gone relatively well. Following along with some of the grow journals I am definitely in line with most others' grows at this time, being 30-35 days in. 14 days back, about the time the plants started to show sex, I started to show minor signs of Mg deficiency. I've gone through this with regular plants in the past, so I whipped up a batch of Epsom Salt and Distilled (1/2 tsp/qt) and began an every third day foliar regimen. At first I went light to avoid any potential burn, but after 10 days with little to no signs of improvement, I stepped it up to every other day. I went back and read everything I could find on auto's. Then it caught my eye, at least 1/3 of all pics posted of auto's has the upper leaves looking somewhat Mg deficient. The bottom areas of the plants look fine, the edges of the leaves in the middle to upper areas of the plant do have a slightly slightly lighter look to them, but it seemed, at least to me, that this is a somewhat common issue with autos. Does anyone agree/disagree?
couldn't get an answer making my own post, but thats ok i'm new here. probably did it wrong somehow. I was wondering since these af only get about 20" or shorter in most cases, my guess is that they would be perfect for sog. how many will fit properly in a 4'x4' area then?


Active Member
couldn't get an answer making my own post, but thats ok i'm new here. probably did it wrong somehow. I was wondering since these af only get about 20" or shorter in most cases, my guess is that they would be perfect for sog. how many will fit properly in a 4'x4' area then?
need more info what light ect are you usein?:-?


Well-Known Member
i per sq ft ie 16 plants, but u want some space to move so 12 really, and u would want at least a 600w hps for that job.. one way to guarantee a bar every 9 weeks though:) go for it


Active Member
400 first off, thanks for the suggestion. One more question(open to all). If I were to go hydro ebb/flow when would I start adding nutes I see that hardly anyone uses them at all the first 2-3 weeks but that's ingood soil I.e. foxfarm OF exc... that has enough nutes for that period but not the same n hydro. When should I start adding nutes don't want to burn them but also don't want to deprive them of what they need. Thanks in advance for any input
i know there's enough nutrition in the seed for 2-3 weeks,i havent had my go with hydro yet so i'd say check out some hydro threads!
im thinking it's probably start feeding(1/2 diluted with h20 and work your way up to reccomended dose) different products also come into play.....
do some research into it!goodluck tiger,hope all goes well!!hope the divorse goes well.


Active Member
well i'm just reserching for now but either a 400 or 600 cooltube digital swichable. in a 4x4 area, plenty of head room at 8'.
id say get a 400w for one side of the room(the plants that are almost done-finished)
and a 250w( for the younger ones) did say your sog?lol.....
a 400watter has a 3x3 of strong light under it(centered of coarse) you could always have you older plants in the middle and the younger ones on the outside,but the 400 & 250 and you'll be set forsure. are you going 18/6 or 20/4? from what ive seen 20/4 is better with auto's....
well I was thinking 18\6, but i guess i havn't looked for the diffrence between the two yet, but if the 20\4 is that much more of a benafit i will go with that. Would I wanna go with a cfl panel for the first 3 weeks then since I could keep the light very close and there won't be a big canopy to penetrate, then when they start to show sex I could throw them in with the 400 hps? just do 2 seperate grow chambers? adjust my heights in the 400 but using homemade stands to keep the canopy level? not really a sog then more of a perpetual grow, i'm still learning, can't stop reading


Well-Known Member
well I was thinking 18\6, but i guess i havn't looked for the diffrence between the two yet, but if the 20\4 is that much more of a benafit i will go with that. Would I wanna go with a cfl panel for the first 3 weeks then since I could keep the light very close and there won't be a big canopy to penetrate, then when they start to show sex I could throw them in with the 400 hps? just do 2 seperate grow chambers? adjust my heights in the 400 but using homemade stands to keep the canopy level? not really a sog then more of a perpetual grow, i'm still learning, can't stop reading
I use 20/4 for my auto grows and had great results (link to journal in my sig)

Start my grow off with a 200w CFL Envirolite then switch to the 400w HPS. Don't see the point in wasting electricity on the 400w to start plants off with when a CFL does a great job.
would that 200 clf support 10 maybe 12 plants 3 weeks after sow? I know nothing about cfl's except you can get them close as hell because of there coolness. I just figured hid is the only way to go because of the lumens you get per watt.


Well-Known Member
would that 200 clf support 10 maybe 12 plants 3 weeks after sow? I know nothing about cfl's except you can get them close as hell because of there coolness. I just figured hid is the only way to go because of the lumens you get per watt.
If you are growing that many, may as well stick with the HID, as you'll need the light higher as not to burn your babies, the extra lumens will cover a much greater area.
I get my HPS about 6-8 inches from my plant, cooltube is a must.
even if its nice and cool you still don't want the light too close to babies? I have a cool tube, but ya I was wondering what I should start them under for light because the hid just seems like a lot for seedlings, I was planing on starting them from seed in 2 gal pots, don't wanna worry about transplant, but then i'd have to worry and my seedling surviving in a big room not a humidity dome. since the life cycle is so short you would think that anykind of shock, such as transplant,nut, ect... would drasticly effect the size of them.


Well-Known Member
even if its nice and cool you still don't want the light too close to babies? I have a cool tube, but ya I was wondering what I should start them under for light because the hid just seems like a lot for seedlings, I was planing on starting them from seed in 2 gal pots, don't wanna worry about transplant, but then i'd have to worry and my seedling surviving in a big room not a humidity dome. since the life cycle is so short you would think that anykind of shock, such as transplant,nut, ect... would drasticly effect the size of them.
You can use your HID from start to finish but it is overkill on seedlings, CFL's are adequate, it's also recommended that you start autos in their final pot, so your 2gal is fine.
Wouldn't worry about a humidity dome either, I use one for the first week and thats it, as long as they have a good root base, they're happy.