Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Hey fellow AF growers!

i just picked up a regular 10 pack of auto bluberry from lowlife seeds (Djshort Blueberry X Lowryder)
ive only tried growing a AF strain once and that was a free auto bublicious i got with my last set of seeds,
but my plant only grew about 5 grams dry, i did shock it a bit and it was outside so it did not receive a 24/0 light cycle
but im just wondering since it basically doesn't have a vegg cycle, is there any good techniques of growing it to get maximum yeild?
Anyone with experience in this please help just wondering if i should try fimming or topping or just a little lst?
Actually they do have a veg. cycle. Most consider the few weeks just before they show their sex to be the veg cycle, and treat it accordingly (blue spectrum). and it's also widely agreed on, that a little rest is good for the plant (18/6, 20/4...). though I've never heard it proven that it's detramental to go 24/0.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Actually they do have a veg. cycle. Most consider the few weeks just before they show their sex to be the veg cycle, and treat it accordingly (blue spectrum). and it's also widely agreed on, that a little rest is good for the plant (18/6, 20/4...). though I've never heard it proven that it's detramental to go 24/0.
Great info to follow if I can say so myself. +rep for keeping me from having to write it. lol.


Well-Known Member
. . . is there any good techniques of growing it to get maximum yeild?
Anyone with experience in this please help just wondering if i should try fimming or topping or just a little lst?
Here's a Blueberry I harvested earlier this summer (outdoor grow). Not much bud, but good smoke, I will grow it again. All of my auto's produce very low, particularly when comparing them to the ones I see posted here, many of which are indoor grows.

The other pics are a Big Devil and Diesel Ryder that I LST'd. No noticeable difference in yield, but again I'm growing outdoors and LSTing may be beneficial with an indoor grow. Topping really doesn't make much sense with autos.



Well-Known Member
So i got Alll my Auto blueberry beans germinating in rockwool as we speak they had been in a cup of water for 24 hours before most had small tap roots, cant wait till they all pop!:-P

Down side is i just set my closet up and hung my florescent's and now today @ 4 there's an electrician that has to come into my room and install a new light fixture.... so i have to take it all down and move my beans for like mabe an hour and set it all back up again... ugh
cantwait till hes gone!bongsmilie

Anyway heres some plants from my out door this season. non autos:P

First is my small Nirvana swiss cheese, next is hindu kush from sensi seeds before and after transplant(i realize its not good to transplant during flowering, but there were theifs roaming around my neighborhood and id rather take the chance then lose them) next is a picture of a free auto bublicious i got with these beans. And finally the last is the package my blueberrys just came in from good ol' London England :D!swissschee.jpghindu1.jpghindu2.jpghindu3.jpghindu4.jpgbub.jpglastpack.jpg
I am also delighted to see this thread. I decided to try AF as a stepping stone into bigger more productive growing. I had kinda mixed results with my first try but overall I am delighted and am anxious to apply what I've learned to my next grow. I picked up 5AF sativa dominant seeds from attitude. Great servic btw. I started 2right away and they took right off. Inside of 3 wks they were doing great. Then they started showing what I thought was a nute problem and i panicked. I was going to transplant to new soil and didn't anticipate the root system they had laid down so quickly. Well when i saw what i had done to one i decided to try and work through with the other. By backing off the nutes and the watering in general the remaining lady came around quite nicely. To make an already long story a little shorter, she began to flower at 5or6weeks and i harvested at 84 days from putting seeds in soil. She was about a meter in height and i reaped 13.8 grms of cured bud. I was quite pleased with the half oz. But believe i can do better with a little better technique and knowledge gleaned from these forums. And the best news of all is this is some of the most kick butt bud I've had in ages. Im looking forward to hearing more stories .and learning from you all.


Well-Known Member
Hi again..

Q.Q..? Do all auto-flowering do best on 18/6...? Is there any that can grow efficently under less hours of light..?


Well-Known Member
DSC02771.jpgDSC02773.jpgDSC02775.jpgDSC02772.jpgDSC02776.jpgHello im new to this thread and new to growing i just started my first grow tent set up 41 days ago with 2 auto strains ,2 speed devils from sweet seeds and 2 roadrunners from dinafem, my set up is pretty simple due to heat issues i picked up one of those 300 watt cfl, red spec. I have included some pics , my question is has anyone grown the these strains and if so can they be topped for more top colas from the pics u can see i have tried it with one and not sure if it was the smartest move. Also one other question, would it help to cutt some bottom leaves to increase bud production? oh and btw i have the on a 24/0 light schd. if that makes any difference, my top plant is 54 cm shortest 46 cm.


Well-Known Member
the roadrunners are on the left? topped the speeddevil?...they look healthy and happy..i whouldnt top the rest wait to see what happens to that one.


Well-Known Member
Here's my 60 Day Wonder auto, coming along nicely 18/6 light cycle

Here's my other 60 Day Wonder, this one has been topped, just experimenting ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes wow u have a very skilled eye i did top the speed devil since one of them took of way quicker then the rest by day 20 it was about 7cm taller then the rest and started to flower on day 23 so i figure to keep the light even its got to be cutt, now it getting out run by the others , yes the speed devil is in the back right hand corner, can anyone let me know if its ok to cutt down the bottom leaves to promote more top growth since i only have that one light?


Here's a Blueberry I harvested earlier this summer (outdoor grow). Not much bud, but good smoke, I will grow it again. All of my auto's produce very low, particularly when comparing them to the ones I see posted here, many of which are indoor grows.

The other pics are a Big Devil and Diesel Ryder that I LST'd. No noticeable difference in yield, but again I'm growing outdoors and LSTing may be beneficial with an indoor grow. Topping really doesn't make much sense with autos.
I got a grip of smoke of a LR2 by planting it in a 5 gallon bucket. Give it the room to grow and it will reward you with loads on nice fat nugz!


Well-Known Member
Yes wow u have a very skilled eye i did top the speed devil since one of them took of way quicker then the rest by day 20 it was about 7cm taller then the rest and started to flower on day 23 so i figure to keep the light even its got to be cutt, now it getting out run by the others , yes the speed devil is in the back right hand corner, can anyone let me know if its ok to cutt down the bottom leaves to promote more top growth since i only have that one light?
thanks..i have eyes like a hawk my whouldnt cut down bottom leafs..just let them go as is or pull that bulb down and hang it right inthe middile of them..


Well-Known Member
yea thats one thing i was thinking about but the bulb is 300watt so iT does get a bit hot i think if i put it in the middle it will burn the leaves since i cannot keep my finger on it more then 5 seconds , my top leaves seem to currling up on the speed devil not the leafs excuse me the leaf saw tips , do you know what that can be what am i doing wrong , i hear it might be heat stress? the other day i picked up maxigom seeds autos from grass o matic ,i put them to germ last night i might start a small grow thread on that just need to buy a camera. thanks for the advice MEANGREEN69