Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Help this is my Easy Rider at 3 weeks old. As you can see she's extremely behind in growth. She just started flowering a couple days ago but for some reason all the new leaves growing in the top are turning a light yellow. there not dieing just kinda changing color. but it really seems like somethings wrong. its under 100 watts of cfl 4-5 inches away from the light. anyone got any ideas?



Help this is my Easy Rider at 3 weeks old. As you can see she's extremely behind in growth. She just started flowering a couple days ago but for some reason all the new leaves growing in the top are turning a light yellow. there not dieing just kinda changing color. but it really seems like somethings wrong. its under 100 watts of cfl 4-5 inches away from the light. anyone got any ideas?

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That's very short for 3 weeks. IF you pull the light further away, it will sprout to it, but not sure if it will fill in once its sprouted. Describe more of the environment its in. How much light per day? Temperature?


its in my little rubbermaid grow box. i've been doin a 20/4 light schedule. temp is 78. i think maybe i just got a bad seed because it's stayed so small but i dont want it to die. could that yellowing be a deficiency of some kind? its been in fox farms ocean forest and i've fed it nothing up to this point but plain water.
20/4 is perfect.That,s what joint doctor recommend.But 100 Watt are much to low,you need 50.000 Lumen and this you got by 400 watt sodium steam light.100 Watt are ca. 12.000 Lumen.For temperature,they are absolutly not sensitivelyt.For first 17 days you need 20/4 blue light Neon tube (or sun and if sun is going down you put them under neon tube,865 er.How big is your pot?I have had my first easy rider grow finished 2 day,s ago.3 plants and they will have 45 gramm all together.No I am at drying period.My soil was palm earth.I only needed tomato fertilizer for,there is a lot of resin on the buds,they smell fantastic.


its in a 2 gallon pot. It's so small and its already flowering, the white hairs are getting pretty big. Anyone else had an autoflower start flowering at this small?
2 Galons are too big.My pots have 1 galone.The height of tis type is not more than 2 feet.And not too much water.There is a drainage at the roof of the pot.I,d preferr to gave water from down.I the water is nukeld from the soil in 30 minutes this is good benchmark for watering.There shouldn,t be any water at the bottom of the pot.The roots are searching for they are bigger by less than too much water.For second,the roots needed O2.


Active Member
2 Galons are too big.My pots have 1 galone.The height of tis type is not more than 2 feet.And not too much water.There is a drainage at the roof of the pot.I,d preferr to gave water from down.I the water is nukeld from the soil in 30 minutes this is good benchmark for watering.There shouldn,t be any water at the bottom of the pot.The roots are searching for they are bigger by less than too much water.For second,the roots needed O2.
I won't say there is not a thing as too much space, but I really don't think thats ur issue. If its an outdoor grow, then the plants are in the ground, and thats a freakin HUGE pot. The worst thing that will happen is that the plant will not utilize all the soil. Admittedly, I do not have much experience with autos, but I am growing some now that I got as freebies. If u wanna check it out, just click on my signature. I would agree with harmonic to an extent about the lights. If you dont want to go with the sodium light, just put in some more of what ur using (cfl's?). Just make sure you are using the proper light spectrum; either soft white or daylight.
After much rambling, my initial reason for making this post is to tell you not to worry just yet. Give her another week or so before you get worried. I have been reading ALOT about these little things, and I guess it is not abnormal for some to just have delayed growth. I have 4 goin that are so little I thought they were duds...but they r really wide for their height, and everyone I talk to on here says not to despair. Good Luck man.


well mine have just started to flower and i still have them under the daylight cfls. i only have 1 soft white. Could that be causing the plant problems?


hey guys and girls,been following this thread for ages and just thought that i'd throw a question at everyone. i ordered a ten pack of auto great white shark reg seeds from the attitude,and i was planning on doing a massive seed run. all ten sprouted and are at day 18,now for my downer......they are all girls. has anyone ever had the same prob?from what i had gathered,auto's throw alot of males.did i get scammed with a ten pack of fem great white shark? love to get some feed back everyone,thanks in advance.
hey guys and girls,been following this thread for ages and just thought that i'd throw a question at everyone. i ordered a ten pack of auto great white shark reg seeds from the attitude,and i was planning on doing a massive seed run. all ten sprouted and are at day 18,now for my downer......they are all girls. has anyone ever had the same prob?from what i had gathered,auto's throw alot of males.did i get scammed with a ten pack of fem great white shark? love to get some feed back everyone,thanks in advance.

wow all female? i set 10 diesel ryder and 10 blue ryder all regular the other day, were hoping to get a few males to breed so can understand how you must be feeling lol but many ppl would look at it as a bonus!


Active Member
2 Galons are too big.My pots have 1 galone.The height of tis type is not more than 2 feet.And not too much water.There is a drainage at the roof of the pot.I,d preferr to gave water from down.I the water is nukeld from the soil in 30 minutes this is good benchmark for watering.There shouldn,t be any water at the bottom of the pot.The roots are searching for they are bigger by less than too much water.For second,the roots needed O2.
NO POTS ARE TOO BIG!! the bigger the better get some pics up to back up wat your saying. On the other hand what you must realise is AUTOFLOWERING DWARFS CAN BE GROWN ON YOUR FUCKIN WINDOWSILL its not rocket science LESS IS MORE. Auto's are piss easy to grow and anyone claiming otherwise should stop growing or get some experience on regular plants


Active Member
2 Galons are too big.My pots have 1 galone.The height of tis type is not more than 2 feet.And not too much water.There is a drainage at the roof of the pot.I,d preferr to gave water from down.I the water is nukeld from the soil in 30 minutes this is good benchmark for watering.There shouldn,t be any water at the bottom of the pot.The roots are searching for they are bigger by less than too much water.For second,the roots needed O2.
Drainage at the roof?????? water from the top man. You sound like you couldnt grow mold on bread, sort yourself out and stop typing bollocks


Active Member

I am useing 15 l liter pots at the start I was useing 6.5 liter pots.

take a look at the diffrences

6.5 liter pot Diesell Ryder 60 days for seed


15 liter pot 25 days for seed

The fieve litre pots is what joint doctor recomment because they breed them for indoor and outdoor growing.If there are good experinces with bigger pot,s okay,I will try too make an test by my next grow.They have I have had easy ryder feminised AF seeds.I am using following light:Philips Son-T Pia 400W

Ordering seeds at:

For discussion there is Mike Lowrider Wilson @ facebooks.

Here is the result of my 1st. grow100_0630.jpg
The hight of the 3 ladys are different:
1. 24.41 inch
2. 25,5
3. 27,46

But a friend of mine is using 3 litre pots and the plants have "only" 15 innch but are really very potent with big buds.However,this is my first grwo in my life so I am happy about my first result.


Active Member
not unless your somewhere real cold I think. Im waiting on some more seeds myself.

So how do they call auto himalayan blue diesel an indica? Its blueberry, NYC sour diesel and a kush. Sounds like maybe 40% indica to me.


Well-Known Member
2.5-4 gallon potters at the most I would say for autos, as for comparing two plants in two different size potters for autos isnt an accurate comparison. You could have two of the same strain, in the same size potter, from the same seed pack, and they be very different in size and structure. Autos are funny like that. Same with regulars, but the size difference usually isnt as drastic. Autos are easy to grow, will you get the same results taking care of them properly rather than half ass? No you sure as hell will not. In my opinion regular plants are, I think the term was piss easy to grow. Anyone could grow them as well. Put the bitch out side and water it, I guarantee it will grow, no matter what strain it is. But if you take care of something properly it comes out much better. So do I think an auto that has a potency close to where the parent plant is, is easy to grow, no its not. Is it easy to grow one and it live and give you some half way decent bud, sure, anyone could do that. Especially indoors.