Autoflower seedling leaves cupping and wrinkled. NO BURN!

Hello RIU. Long time reader, few times posting. This is my first autoflower grow. Ive grown many photo strains with much success and just wanted to experiment with autoflowers. Im currently growing 2 strains. 1 Amnesia auto and 1 Headlights Kush Auto. The amneisa auto is just over 2 weeks old while the HKA is just over a week. Both were sewed into 5 gallon buckets under a 600watt hps/mh combo. The amnesia looks great and is growing faster than expected, yet my HKA is growing well but the leaves are cupping on the saraded edges and seem kind of soft and wrinkly. I've inspected the suspect leaves and there are no signs of nute burn or browning, just cupping. I water them around every 4/5 days as they are in such big pots. Ive done nothing different with the two ladies yet this HKA is doing its cupping thing. I've done quite a bit of research over the past few days and I believe I have a few things I can rule out. I doubt its wind burn as I only have one small occilating fan on them and they dont receive constant breeze. The HID light is roughly 2 feet or more from said seedling and the temperatures peak around 76-78 degrees. I can hold my hand over the plant and feel realitively no heat whatsoever so I have a hard time believing its heat stress. Im growing in FFHF which I realize may be a bit hot for young seedlings, but the Amnesia had no problems and like I stated before the HKA shows no signs of burns. They are receiving 20 hours of light and 4 hours of sleep. I'm kind of stumped as what he deal is but would love to get it resolved asap because stunting autos in any way is a no no. Thanks everyone for reading and Im wide open to all suggestions. I will post pics of both the affected seedling (Headlights Kush) and of my Amnesia Auto. Once again the HKA is around 8 days and the amnesia is around 15-16 days. I will also post pictures of the grow room and conditions. Thanks a ton RIU. Happy gardening!


Well-Known Member
do you have the fan directly blowing at them?
leaves look like the are losing moisture. could be the low humidity.


i tried auto strains.collected the best as i thought....ak48, climax, headlight kush, auto russian, thc-bomb...most of the strains had got unnormal starting growth...mutant like on ur pictures..lately they be more look like ordinary strains with normal leaves, but....their potence be very low, and one more..the seed-banks say about 60-70 days from seed...this is lie....100-130 days as minimum...i wanted quick and strong, but that's impossible,evidently...light and nutrients not so cheap for this normal (not auto) strains and not fuck brain urself...i think, the auto- ruderalis which alwais mix to main genetic strain be appears in most needed features...i had got nice buds (like hightimes) with no potency...sorry for a brocken english. hope this help