Autoflower question, please help!!!!


I am in week 7 of 24/0 with a 400w MH light. I have 3 stains going; Norther Lights, Jock Horror and Short rider. My question is what is better MH or HPS since you don't change the light cycle?


Well-Known Member
Once they start flowering I switch to hps. Though you don't change light cycle to bud them, you still want to give them the right spectrum when they are budding.


Well-Known Member
When I grew autos with HID I did both (starting on MH then switching to HPS for flowering and using ONLY HPS all the way through) - no discernable difference.


Well-Known Member
Stick with the HPS. It's not as hot. Besides, autos are supposed to go straight from seedling to flowering without a veg mode. Why use a veg light?
