autoflower perpetual harvest 6'6 x 2'2 x 4'4


the box is ready to get started, although only half the equipment is inside. my current box should be done before i need the other half of the equipment installed.

equipment list:
the tent is homemade constructed of 1/2 inch pvc, fittings, panda film, and various tape.
400watt metal halide shop lamp vertical fixture with poor reflector
400watt hps harvest pro ballast and bat wing fixture ( will eventually end up switching to all led when the time comes)
Viagrow Carbon Air Filter 2 with Inline Fan Combo 55-110 CFM Exhaust
Suncourt Inductor 4 in. In-Line Duct Fan 80 cfm x2
Suncourt Inductor 6 in. In-Line Duct Fan 160 cfm
various 3 gallon pots circle, square, smart pot
5 gal smart pot x2 ( will end up leaning towards all these if they dont get to big )
6'' clip fan
1 table fan
fox farm ocean forest
some organic root stimulater sample
tiger bloom
2 autoflower seeds plus two free seeds on route. super auto cali haze short stuff x1 sweet mango automatic green house x1 free auto x 1

here is my idea, i will start to germinate one seed on the same day every week. in theory i should be chopping a plant and planting a seed once a week. all plants will be a various autoflower strain. i understand the complications that will come my way with growing various strains. im one that prefers surprises ( hopefully good but willing to accept bad) and variety. low end im sure 8 wil flourish nicely in here and cramped 12 if those complications arrive. i will start with 400watt mh for plants for half of life and finish with 400 hps on its last half. try to picture like a conveyor belt for autoflowers. as i said i plan on using all led within 4 months before summer for several reasons. each light im looking at is 250 bucks. produces light of 600 watter while sucking 175watt juice. and no heat so in summer no air conditioning to control temps! im not necisarily looking for high yields as im only growing for my self. the experiance is reward enough let alone not having to purchase overpriced falsly named schwag from the local thugs. i will start the germination and journaling process the day of arrival. i also plan on taking a weekly pic of each plant and posting in sequential order, kinda like 1 big contious grow log thats all pictures :) i will do the posting by just re editing the following post below.

here a few pictures of the tent. 1-14 a.jpg1-14 b.jpg1-14 c.jpg1-14 h.jpg1-14 j.jpg1-15 a.jpg1-15 b.jpg1-15 c.jpg9.jpg


super cali haze seed at 1/27 day 6- 2-2 super cali haze day 5 a.jpg2-2 super cali haze day 5 b.jpg

blue mystic seed at 1/27 day 6- 2-2 blue mystic day 5 a.jpg2-2 blue mystic day 5 b.jpg2-2 blue mystic day 5 c.jpg

sweet mango seed at 1/23 day 10- dead


my new batch of seeds havent arrived for tomorrows choosing. so here are my only options to start germinating. either barneys farm auto sweet tooth or short stuff auto assassin. anyone have experiance with either one of these two?


Well-Known Member
See my only reason to post on this thread is to ask...what happens to people sometimes? I mean they put all that time in that post n shit n don't even follow it js.


because the builidng i lived in was over a hundred years old, it required the h.u.d. to inspect the homes randomly every so often. i was not aware of this, and had to rip everything apart in emergency to prevent prison time. however now i live in colorado and the only thing i stress is an electric bill =]