Autoflower outdoor grow (Super Mazar, Northern Light)


New Member
Hello guys!
New to this forum and this is my first post. So I have been growing some buds outdoors for 3 years now, but didn't really put alot of work and knowledge into it. Mostly just for fun and to learn. This year I have tried more seriously with some autoflowering seeds. I have tried 3 different methods of germinating (Rockwool, soil, paper towels), 4 different seeds (Super Mazar, Northern Lights, White russian, Lemon Skunk - all autos), 2 soils (lightmix and ordinary soil for tomatoes and garden stuff) to see what works the best.
I didn't really had good circumstances to start my flowers at home. Had to be stealth, so noone would find them etc.. Under the roof window --> limited sun (about 5-9 hours) 20160607_094650.jpg
Northern Lights and 1 auto lemon skunk.

I find rockwool method pretty efficent. The best is to soak them in 5,5ph water (I used rain water) for 24h-48h to wash away the high ph of the rockwool. Also soak the seeds in the glass of water for the same amount of time, to soften the shell and then plant them, paper towel... Worked faster and better for me.
Downside of the rockwool is that it drys really fast and you need to water it like 2 times a day. Once I didn't have the time and 3 plants died, because it completely dried out.

15-20 days from the seed (was a slow progress due to limited sun and also it was raining alot)
Picture below was taken the next day, the plants were going outside. Maybe a little too late??

Thumbnail pictures (plants are outside)

Meanwhile I have started a second batch of 5 Auto super Mazars and 1 White russian. 2Mazars died due to underwatering ;( :)
I soaked all the seeds first and then planted some in the soil and some in the paper towel. I had 100%success with all the methods, but I find the soaking + directly in soil the most efficent and simple. (once in soil just max sun) This 2nd batch was outside on the direct sun and the plants were doing great and growing fast and strong. Don't know where any other pictures are.. I have put them outside at about 10cm and 3-4 stories of leafs.



New Member
Pictures below are all Northern lights -auto, didn't post auto lemon skunk because it got stunned and is pretty small :)
Day 40 - 45 from the seed I think (started to flower a little) . I used the Biobizz Lightmix soil, because I have read autos need less nutrients and it can burn them if too many are in soil. Watered them good when planted and then didn't water at all (maybe once). The soil was moist, everytime I checked and it was raining once a week, so really didn't have to!
The lower leaves started to turn yellow, because of the lightmix soil little amount of nutrients. I think that nitrogen was missing, but didn't have the time and the money once spotted.
Also the holes were around 10-15L of soil deep!20160712_201237.jpg 20160715_183926.jpgAproximmately 30-40cm high!



New Member
Here is the 2nd batch of 3Auto Mazars and 1 White russian. They started from the seed on 20th of June and these pics were taken 9th of August. One Auto Mazar went missing and I am not really sure why because plant was healthy (maybe snails). I used only one hole with 60L of ordinary garden soil for tomatoes, salad.. The top left is white russian. I am happy with this batch, the plants look healthy, strong and pretty big. Biggest one around 1m or more. Around 1 week into flowering.20160809_193324.jpg
Looking cute :3
Auto super Mazar

White russian, main bud close-up. Don't know when it started to flower, but looking at the thrichromes the buds aren't looking that big? What do you think?


New Member
Here are the 3 Northern Lights. Plants didn't grow any bigger since the last time. The buds started to form nicely and are pretty dense and compact. Any tips on when to harvest? :)20160809_193437_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20160809_193506_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20160809_193712.jpgThe 3 plants!

20160809_193530.jpg 20160809_193822.jpg
Buds close-up.

I would be very happy to listen to some tips on when to harvest, maybe to feed the plants right now? Or any tips regarding the whole grow and next year the better one :)


Well-Known Member
Good grow for experience. If I were you I'd quit using the excuse of "didn't have time or cash to buy excess nutrients". You could've yielded twice as much for as little as $10. The more you put into anything the more you will get out within reason.

Depending on high you like you can harvest when trichomes turn milky white or wait till they turn light brown/brown.

For the plants that are in first week of flower or earlier I would recommend a bloom stage fertilizer preferably organic. Any plants at the 2 week or older mark into flower I would not feed could harm the quality of bud you smoke. Auto's generally take a month to fully develop give or take


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my auto ak. Shit was 6 feet tall. I took her down a little early though.
I feed all the way up until a week before I harvest it. I use 90% organic fertz and I never have a taste or salt issue.

Little fuzzy. Helluva windstorm today