Hey thanks for that. I've never heard the term "cation exchange capacity", but it has lead me to a whole new branch of research to explore. Thank you
I'll see if I can muster the courage to let them go without anything more for a week and see how things go.
No problem mate.
It'll be fine man. As long as you keep a keen eye on things.
A week, at this stage sounds about right.
It'll only be a matter of weeks before you're feeding everyday. Dont worry.
If theres one piece of advise i can give you for later on, its to make sure you have an ec metre and read your waste.
Dont worry so much about your feed ec. Only make sure the ph is between 5.8 - 6.5.
But the one thing you must do is judge your feed by your waste ec and ph. ALWAYS.
Once feed, and watering picks up. Run 15 - 30% waste each feeding, and make sure whats coming out is very close to whats going in. Both ec and ph.
A great article about coir, is "growing on Coco busting the myth" by CANNA. You'll find it on google. If you cant find it bug me. I have it bookmarked. I can paste it for you.
Welcome to the coco club.
Have fun. I love the stuff.