Autoflower Help! (Cabinet grow)

So this is my first grow and I just wanted to get some advice. I know my set up is somewhat amateurish, but can I expect this to work?

So my cabinet is 22x28x18 inches. I've got two 5.75 liter pots, miracle grow potting mix, one 18 inch soft white florescent for when they are young(I was told this type of lighting is ideal for the first week or two), one 26 watt 2700k bulb, one 23 watt 6500k CFL bulb, a small fan, a thermometer, and two feminized autoflowering seeds(Afghan Kush Ryder and La Diva).

Right now I've got the germinated seeds planted and a florescent soft white about an inch away from the soil. Not really sure what to do next. I suppose it should get more of the flowering bulb? I was going to do a 24/0 light cycle. Is this cool?


Active Member
Its good to see you've done your research :). You might want to order some more CFL's, you can get 125w ones for like £19, you need an E45 adaptor for bulbs that big (I'm in UK so it might be different where you live). For auto's 18/6 light cycle is best, make sure when using CFL's you keep them close to your plants. The soils nutes will get used up in 2-4 weeks so you'll need to by some liquid nutrients to keep them healthy.

Apart from that your set up is good and you've got some nice stains going. I have 2 MI5 autoflowers going at the moment.
So that's it huh? My set up is perfect and I'm going to have bushy, green plants that produce lovely dense buds that taste like nuggets of joy?

Is that right?


Active Member
76 with lights off is good. Now put the cfls in there and whats the temp? try to keep it under the 90F degree temp. or it will slow growth. More lights is always better. You might need an intake fan and exhaust fan if your box gets too hot. Pictures would be great so people have a better idea on what to tell you.
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Here is my set up and this is my La diva automatic after one month. This is my first grow so I don't really know what it is suppose to look like. Seems kinda tall though,18 inches. It's showing it's been showing it's sex for a week or two with long white pistols/hairs coming out from the base of its branches. Does this plant seem normal to you? Shouldn't it be bushier and have some budding going on??

(I'm about to add more wattage and some bloom nutes soon)

C'mon growers, help a guy out. Please, look at this picture. Is this normal for week 4 on an auto? Does it look like this plant is about to go into a flowering phase? Why is it tall? It's like 20 inches now. wtf?


Well-Known Member
Your plant has stretched for the light and is too stringy for that age. You need to add some cfl sidelighting cause at that age, it's gonna try to add bud sites up and down the shaft....I have perpetual auto grows going (for years now) mine under 24/0 T5 Floros for a month....then move to hps to finish....I started years ago with several 4' floros sunlight bulbs....they'll do fair till you can move up a level or two in energy supply....good karma to you.....


Active Member
your lights are too faraway so the plant is growing to get to the light the closer the light the closer the nodes would have been with floros you need to be within an inch or 3 of the plant

also go buy yourself a few more cfls and get some side light on your plant otherwise you aint gonna get nothing out of the bottom of it look at the pic youve taken you can see where the light has actually decreased that the bottom of you plant is in the dark


Active Member
hey man do yourself and your plants a favor and invest in some good lighting its the "KEY" to good bud....and nutes but it seems like your using plenty you just need MORE LIGHT

This is the AK-47x lowryder#2 called the Easyryder its an autoflower and its been under 400w hps for its entire life the 1st pic is 6.5wks from seed 2nd pic is 4.5wks from seed and 3rd is 3.5 weeks from seed




hey whats up guys been a minute since i been on heres some info about my grow. basic closet grow 600w lumtex ballast bat wing hood ... fox farm including solubles and sugar daddy also super thrive.... soiless culture.. 1/3 all pro mix 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite also 10 cups of worm castings in each 3 gallon bags. started with 5 smurfberrys 3 big devils 5 onyx. first of no one buy the smurfberry dont be dumb and think they will autoflower after researching nothing postive great photoperiod plants ... not af.. 7 feet in 12/12 4-6 oz of each onyx 2 out of 5 made it they are auto buds in 20-4 or 18-6 73 days of now and the one i put extra bat shit in looks amazing deep red hairs about a 1 - 1/2 oz maybe gonna have them go another week atleast this one. other one maybe 3 weeks... no the big devils there monsters from the get go great plants takes alot of abuse. i use double dozage of fox farm products they took it very well and still are. looks about done smells great no smell tell two weeks ago. as of now guessing 2.5-4 oz of each one. smurfs got pulled closet was only 6x4 the remaining five plants did alot better after i removed the smurfs. so this grow could of produced alot more but weight in next week ill let u know this message is not to brag or lie or nothing negative this is for you know there is good production and bad but dont give up keep growing i also have deisel ryder on parkistan ryder going and deisils 4-5 made it 3 days and doing swell paks 3 - 7 made it so far autos rule i well have a blog going soon hopefully we can help eachother outmore