Autoflower Grow Questions!


Well-Known Member
I have grown regular strains twice and had very good results. I would consider myself an above average grower.

I am new to autoflowering strains but I am greatly intrigued since I only want to have this room setup for no more than 9 weeks.

Please review my plan and let me know if you would do anything different etc...

My plan is to get 5 Lowlife Auto White Russians feminized. I will plant in pro-mix in 2 liter soda bottles. I will veg for 1-2weeks with 2 150w CFL's (blue spectrum). And then go the rest with a 400w HPS Hortilux, maybe add another one if I feel the need to. I will keep it on 20/4 the entire time as I have read that is the best cycle. I don't know if I will transplant or not, I'd imagine I would but I don't know if it would be best to keep them in 2 liter soda bottles becuase if I did transplant to a 2-3gal container the stress from the transplanting would hurt the growth. This is something I have no idea how Autoflowers will handle it.

I am pretty good with nutrients and from what I've read, use the grow nutes up until week 2.5/3 and then bring on the flower nutes.

Another question I had is the potency factor. I know some people rip on Autoflowering strains because of its Ruderalis heritage, but with something like Lowlife's White Russian autoflower, I can only assume it will pack a punch because of the AK47/White widow genetics. Nothing like serious seeds original White russian (which I have grown, 6 females, 2lbs under 800w) but something that will still get me s t o n e d.

Since these 5 are feminized, can I expect all 5 to be females, or will 4/5 be female?

Pics to come of my setup. I plan on ordering the seeds tomorrow unless someone convinces me to order a better strain!

Thanks for the help guys, I have been a long time lurker, but just looking for some Questions to be answered!

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
I have grown regular strains twice and had very good results. I would consider myself an above average grower.

I am new to autoflowering strains but I am greatly intrigued since I only want to have this room setup for no more than 9 weeks.

Please review my plan and let me know if you would do anything different etc...

My plan is to get 5 Lowlife Auto White Russians feminized. I will plant in pro-mix in 2 liter soda bottles. I will veg for 1-2weeks with 2 150w CFL's (blue spectrum). And then go the rest with a 400w HPS Hortilux, maybe add another one if I feel the need to. I will keep it on 20/4 the entire time as I have read that is the best cycle. I don't know if I will transplant or not, I'd imagine I would but I don't know if it would be best to keep them in 2 liter soda bottles becuase if I did transplant to a 2-3gal container the stress from the transplanting would hurt the growth. This is something I have no idea how Autoflowers will handle it.

I am pretty good with nutrients and from what I've read, use the grow nutes up until week 2.5/3 and then bring on the flower nutes.

Another question I had is the potency factor. I know some people rip on Autoflowering strains because of its Ruderalis heritage, but with something like Lowlife's White Russian autoflower, I can only assume it will pack a punch because of the AK47/White widow genetics. Nothing like serious seeds original White russian (which I have grown, 6 females, 2lbs under 800w) but something that will still get me s t o n e d.

Since these 5 are feminized, can I expect all 5 to be females, or will 4/5 be female?

Pics to come of my setup. I plan on ordering the seeds tomorrow unless someone convinces me to order a better strain!

Thanks for the help guys, I have been a long time lurker, but just looking for some Questions to be answered!
hey thats sounds like a great plan but i woulnt start them in that small of a container use a 3 gallon pot for the whole grow and they will be fine. the bigger the pot is the more roots the more roots bigger the plant bigger the buds.

also from my understanding you should get all 5 females and if there not female they would be hermie but that doesnt happen to offten,

good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey muscleman, yeh all seeds should be fem with autos, transplanting them should be fine i did mine after about a week of being in their small pots.
Nutes you should start giving them after 2-3 weeks autoflowers do not veg so no need for vegging nutes. Iv just starting giving my blueberry x diavolo bat guano and im getting into my 3rd week now. Have a butchers the stain is called la diva. pics taken on day 20 !


Active Member
Just keep them under the hps the entire grow. Also it is better to not transplant them. It is recommended that you put them in their final container when you plant. I agree with this. When you transfer you lose a day or two of growing for them to get use to the change. when you are only talking about a 60 day grow a couple of days can mean a lot. As far as nutes go be careful. I have gotten to the point where I just mix my soil in the begining and only water them. I nute burned a few, and learned my lesson. in my experience when I used nutes versus not there honestly was not that big of a difference in the plants. You just need to keep in mind that they are suppose to be small. I would say to use Mollases once a week though.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying I should have the 400w HPS rolling on day one. I thought it was bad for seedlings to have that High intensity light... I'll probably just turn it on earlier, like after they get their 2nd set of leaves. My main goal is to get these fuckers as big as they can be before flower. I guess I'll start them in 3 gal containers.

As for nutes, I'll probably mix some 10-0-0 bat guano into the top soil maybe once or twice, but you gotta remember promix has little to no nutes in it, it is purely a growing medium. I will probably wait till the cotyledons turn a little yellow before I start the guano.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Are you saying I should have the 400w HPS rolling on day one. I thought it was bad for seedlings to have that High intensity light... I'll probably just turn it on earlier, like after they get their 2nd set of leaves. My main goal is to get these fuckers as big as they can be before flower. I guess I'll start them in 3 gal containers.

As for nutes, I'll probably mix some 10-0-0 bat guano into the top soil maybe once or twice, but you gotta remember promix has little to no nutes in it, it is purely a growing medium. I will probably wait till the cotyledons turn a little yellow before I start the guano.

If your going to use a dry organic fertilizer may I suggest Marine Cuisine from fox farm. The stuff is great. Though I only use it outside it would surely be far superior to the bat guano alone. It's 10-7-7. Pretty cheap too.
Sweet! Will be following this grow. About to start this exact grow next week. Start a Grow Journal when you begin. I am excited about these White Russians!


Well-Known Member
Auto's are pretty fun strains to grow...I feel every grower should experience an auto grow at some day of the game IMO. Based on my auto grows they're cool for a bumper harvest and thats about it...I've grown in 2 mediums with them...aeroponically and soil. Aeroponic showed nice compact growth, but with little bud gain. Soil I grew in 5 gallon pots, 1 gallon pots and planted into earth. The 5 gallon grew the best so far...1 gallon stretched alot and the 1 in the ground grew the same as the 1 gallon.
I've had much better results with a normal strain. I grow giants outdoors and SOG indoor with reg strains.
I feel its more of a waste of time imo to grow autos indoors...they really dont finish in 8-10 weeks from germ like the seed companies claim...only basing it on my results. I may not be the greatest grower around, but I've been doing well with regular strains so far.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I've never of them not finishing in at least 10 weeks. Maybe they were stressed when that happened?

Anyway, I should finish the setup tonight and I will most likely order from attitude tonight. I am pretty set on 5 AF Fem White Russians, unless someone has a better strain? maybe a plain AF AK47 fem

Also, I have a 1000w Hortilux from my last grow. Should I even bother using it, or is it overkill for 5 AF White russians? I definitely plan on using my 400w Hortilux and probably throwing another one of them in there for a total of 800w by week 2-3. But should I scrap both of those and stick with a 1000w at week3 and on?


Well-Known Member
Also, I have a 1000w Hortilux from my last grow. Should I even bother using it, or is it overkill for 5 AF White russians? I definitely plan on using my 400w Hortilux and probably throwing another one of them in there for a total of 800w by week 2-3. But should I scrap both of those and stick with a 1000w at week3 and on?[/QUOTE]

400w alone would easily handle 5 autos but its up to you bro.


Well-Known Member
This thread Has helped me alot!Hope this turned out well for you.
I'm Glad!!

Anyways... I will probably stick with a 400w + the 2 125w CFLS up until week 4 or so and then go from there. Likely, At most I will add another 400w for a total of 1050w from about week 4 and on... maybe earlier :-P

Would one venture to say that he or she would get more yield from AK-47s than WRs in a setup like this?

I have made the decision to grow in 3 gal grow bags from the start with pro-mix soil. I love pro-mix.

Is there a recommended pH range for AFs? I have always stayed in the 6.2-6.5 range.

Also, does anyone know anything specific about AF's when it comes to natural nutrient deficiencies? Does it like more Mg etc... What kind of tendencies does it have?

I will continue to peruse other logs for this info, but when I start my log you can be sure I will document everything I do.

I foresee these potent autoflowering strains to be a thing of the future for the personal home grower the more and more MJ gets accepted. They seem moederatley easy to control and you never have to have multiple rooms or anything like that, and they are quick. They have a lot of benefits for someone that doesn't want to dick around with plants all day, but wants his or her medicine from a trusted source, handcrafted.

What should it be, AK47 or WR? I need this stuff to last me a while :-P


Well-Known Member
Ministry of Cannabis "automatic Little Angel" grown from seed outdoor...sprouted July 7...rounding 2 months this week.
5 gallon
1 gallon
planted into earth

They stretched beyond anything I've ever seen before...not too impressed with these except for their smell...skunky as a mofo...
pics are from a coupla mins ago...


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I'm Glad!!

Anyways... I will probably stick with a 400w + the 2 125w CFLS up until week 4 or so and then go from there. Likely, At most I will add another 400w for a total of 1050w from about week 4 and on... maybe earlier :-P

Would one venture to say that he or she would get more yield from AK-47s than WRs in a setup like this?

I have made the decision to grow in 3 gal grow bags from the start with pro-mix soil. I love pro-mix.

Is there a recommended pH range for AFs? I have always stayed in the 6.2-6.5 range.

Also, does anyone know anything specific about AF's when it comes to natural nutrient deficiencies? Does it like more Mg etc... What kind of tendencies does it have?

I will continue to peruse other logs for this info, but when I start my log you can be sure I will document everything I do.

I foresee these potent autoflowering strains to be a thing of the future for the personal home grower the more and more MJ gets accepted. They seem moederatley easy to control and you never have to have multiple rooms or anything like that, and they are quick. They have a lot of benefits for someone that doesn't want to dick around with plants all day, but wants his or her medicine from a trusted source, handcrafted.

What should it be, AK47 or WR? I need this stuff to last me a while :-P

I also use Pro-mix BX. Love it. I used to run dual 400 HPS and then I bought my 600 about a year ago. I do have it on a mover to make up for the other 400 and I can still pull the same if not more. Less heat than 2 400s.


Well-Known Member
I am ordering from attitude today, either Auto Fem WR's or Auto Fem AK-47... it will probably be a coin flip hahaahah... unless anyone can give me some credible info on which one I should grow.

I am picking up some grow bags today as well. They will be 3 gal grow bags. I also have to get some more pro-mix!

I should finish the box tonight, I have the outtake all setup with a 6" vortex going into a 5 ft huge canfan carbon scrubber, should be more than enough for these 5 ladies.

I am working on an effective intake. The problem with this 'box' is that it is actually plastic shelving that is wrapped in the panda film. I have done a pretty damn good job with it so I don't think there will be any issues... I will just have to be careful running the tubing.

Pictures hopefully tonight!


Active Member
go for easy ryder id say,its auto ak47 and lowryder 2,its not a dwarf,and man,does it look good.

i had 5 auto ak47's from lowlife stolen from my garden,and man,they looked and smelled the titties,better than ANY street bud ever

they are well worth it,i could give you a full smoke report of the normal auto ak47,but alass,being stolen,i cannot

although ill say it smelt super SUPER dank and the cystals were all over the place,literally,it definately had a huge thc content you could just see it


Well-Known Member
go for easy ryder id say,its auto ak47 and lowryder 2,its not a dwarf,and man,does it look good.

i had 5 auto ak47's from lowlife stolen from my garden,and man,they looked and smelled the titties,better than ANY street bud ever

they are well worth it,i could give you a full smoke report of the normal auto ak47,but alass,being stolen,i cannot

although ill say it smelt super SUPER dank and the cystals were all over the place,literally,it definately had a huge thc content you could just see it
How bad is the smell... I'm not trying to stink up my whole house. I know AK47 is where the stink from WR comes from, and man does serious seeds WR smell.

Also, will I yield more with AF ak47 fem or with AF WR fem?


Well-Known Member
How bad is the smell... I'm not trying to stink up my whole house. I know AK47 is where the stink from WR comes from, and man does serious seeds WR smell.

Also, will I yield more with AF ak47 fem or with AF WR fem?
Just ordered. Hah

10 Regular AF White Russians...

Will attempt a seed run of sorts...

Stay Tuned!!