"nightly" picture update, she seems to be responding to the lst well, i will transplant into a bigger pot in a few days and plan on training her around the rim if she lets me. either way its good knowledge and practice. whats everyone think?
Has she grown much since the LST?
I ask because I LST'd my Il Diavolo and she didn't respond well to it.
When I untied her, she started growing normally again.
Because of the mistake, she only grew 15 inches tall and the branches never fully developed.
Something to think about. I left it on for way too long tho.
If you don't see considerable growth in two weeks, you might think about letting it go.
Pre-Smoke Report
So I took a branch off my Il Diavolo 2 1/2 days ago, and decided to smoke it this morning. I have to say, I'm happily surprised.
I didn't cure it at all, and the stems still bent easily. When I tried to break up the buds, strips of the stem tore off with the flowers. The flowers themselves were dry to the touch.
I cut them off best I could and loaded a bowl in the bong-o and gave it a rip. Because (I hope) I didn't cure it and it wasn't completely dry, it had little flavor. Kind of an earthy, musky, mushroom-like subtle taste in the senses on the way down, nothing up. It tasted like really good soil smells lol.
It smelled like rotting fruit,or musky fruit, but only slightly.
The high was pleasant, and lively. Got me to write all this so I guess it's doing something. I feel still (20 minutes later) a good head stone that is only now (unless I'm just now noticing it) coming on very nicely. Don't wanna sleep anymore (I was falling asleep before I smoked it); not hungry; hate to be cliche but it makes me wanna do something. Eyelids are a little heavy. Overall not bad for pre-smoke sample.