Thanks pobamelaHey guys, whats up? It's been a while since i posted anything because i dont have a computer at my place right now but i will in a couple days then i will be back on here to share the rest of my grow. The plants are around 70 days old and i know you are supposed to hack them after 70 but i think they would benefit from another 10 days or so. And sorry about not having any pictures, i dont have a camera either, the first pics are with my bros camera and i dont live with him anymore.
Anyways, i have six females going right now and they are looking pretty good. The 1000 Watter has definitely helped with the denseness but has also burned some of them. Two plants that I have are big and getting denser, they are like one big cola, im hoping an ounce from each plant. I have one that was mutated and it's turned out to be an alright one, getting crystally but not that big. One plant looks white and gold with all the hairs on it but its not that big, it looks like some good smoke though. This one looks like it is farther along and im hoping the rest of them will look like her at the end of the month. I'll try to get some pictures up.