Autoflower 22 days size issue .with PICS.

Hi I am growing a range of autoflowering plants (3x easy ryder, 2x chronic ryder, 1x blueberry, 5x blueberry x ak47). They seem healthy maybe a little overwatered, but just lacking size (height being the main issue). I have sufficient lighting and good airflow.

Im using an 18/6 light scedule with a 400w HPS (Forced to use HPS early as CFL blew) ... 5" extractor... I introduced a mild feed 2 days ago.
I will be repotting into 6L pots tommorow.

I Dont know if im just being a little paranoid or im doing something wrong.
Feedback Muchly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
ya man...they look healthy as can be...i have never grown an auto, but i have never seen any huge sure its possible, but most autos i have seen at your stage are about there, or a hair shorter...your doing fine man...and next time you water ( after allowing 15% run off) lift it and check weight. then before you water another, check its weight...should be substantially lighter considering your pot size and all. they dont even look over watered to me man. if anything they look hungry...nom nom nom.


Active Member
where did you get the chronic ryder from, been looking for those!
if you get a chance stop thru my auto grow, they look fine by the way.


Active Member
They look fine. I grow quite a bit of Autos. They will start stretching soon enough. Remember that Autos by nature tend to be smallish. I use a 20/4 light cycle on mine with great results. Just a hint; start 'em in the pot they are going to live in. Try not to transplant them. They will thank you for it.

Good luck dude!
Thanks for the advice and all the feedback.
Wish i did start them in bigger pots now. Got the chronic ryder seeds online from alibongo.