Autoberry Autowidow


hi all

sorry for my broken english
my first journal also first grow. like all others , i started with autos due to fast bud , dont need big place etc..
i have 250w hps - 2 x 90 led - 3xautowidow - 3xautoberry . which came from marijuana ( in a disco cd ),grow tent ( 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m ) carbon filter humidifier .. all stuff that need for grow room .

i have 8 days old girls and 4 days old girls ( my calculation is the day that i soak them into water ) , all well pupped and already put them inside diameter30mm x height 30mm pots . all have leafs well with purple steams .

i ll share the photos soon and ask your advice for my grls


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're off to a good start. Done a lot of reading huh, good. I'll be checking in to see if you need any advice, and to see your girls grow of course :). Autos are great, I've grown 2 now. How many are you going to grow at a time, what size pots, are they all femenized, what nutrients do you plan on using, what soil, do you have a pH meter? There's so much that goes into growing!


thanks for your support Napa23 & good luck with your blue mystic !

yeah , all day and night reading newbie growing auto indoor threads than go to watch ladies . i feel more like a father :)

i was planning to grow total 6 autos in a time but i just figure it out that the free seeds that i received from with a codename on packing "EZ-F" is not easy sativa femenized, they are easyryder femenized:) , in that moment i soak 2 to water so total growing will be 3 autoberry - 3 auto widow - 2 easyryder . all are femenized.

i plan to use veg fertilizer in 3rd week and i plan to use bloom fertilizer together with veg fertilizer when start blooming . i also plan using molasses every week 1 time after week3 .

i have a digital ph meter for water and ph balancers . i have a humidity controller plug into humidifier , also have a climate controller plug into heater . my hps is cooler style so carbon filter goes to hps cooler than it goes to out through blower fan ( this fan also has a controller so i can reduce or increase the speed ) , also my pots are 9 liter pots .

specifications for my grow attend is ( i steal some idea from napa's entry )

Germination: soak in water for 1 day than put between wet towels. i checked after 3 days , they had 4cm fucking long roots.
Soil: regular potting soil from wall-mart
Water: ph balanced ( 6.5~6.8 )tap water
Nutrients: didnt use any yet
Lighting: 1x250w hps , 2x50w LED ( red:blue - 44:6 ). Lighting schedule is 18/6. distance between ladies and light is 40cm.
Climate: Temperature controller set up to 20-25 degrees C , humidity controller set up to 50-60
Container: 9 liter pots .

here is my set up photos and lady photos , one is 9 one is 5 days old ( from the day that i soak into water ) but they look like very thin steam , i dont know why ?Do you think everything going normal ?



Well-Known Member
My Blue Mystic is done, so is my 60Day Wonder. Yours look good. 6 plants at a time might be a bit much, especially considering they only get 9 Liters each. But having 6 plants will equalize that I guess. You have a good set-up, just have to maximize light coverage. I honestly don't think you'll have 3 weeks of veg. Mine both took 2 weeks exactly to show pistils. but who knows, apparently they have super autos now with longer life spans. Crazy how fast things progress. At tis stage, stems are going to be really thin. Just wait til they take off, so exciting :). However it is important to have an oscillating fan to simulate wind. This will strengthen stems and help control humidity and temperature. But man you have a good setup. I don't have nearly half of that stuff haha. Just a 150W HPS, no real climate control except for my apartment's AC and a fan. But I only grow 1 at a time so. Stay blazin man


hey 2 of my plants are 2 weeks old right now but growing going slowly i guess . what is your meaning they get only 9 liters each ? do you think 9 l. pot is small ? also i add 2 more plants to my grow (2 feminezed easy ryder)room and total is 8 lady right now with 250whps and 100w led . do you think i need to change 250w hps with 400w( i dont know your country but 400w ballast is 10USD here ) ? if yes , do i need to change in flowering period or right now ?

i also gave first veg. fertilizer to 2 weeks old ladies with a npk ratio 3-1-1 (i gave 1/4 of recommended amount ) and i plan to give next week with 1/2 of recommended amount too , is this ratio and feeding period is ok ?

i also put a oscillating fan as you wrote .

in the future i ll also do like you , 1 or most 2 plants in a time will be better control i guess . keep in peace man



Active Member
working on a similar project with the auto's for the first time.
keep this updated and come check out my g journal (via my signature) if you get a chance.


Hi loudpack

2 of my 8 plants turn to hermie so i put them balcony but 2 of them continue producing female flowers and also male balls , but i ll continue to fertilize and water them in balcony under sun . I guess i still can smoke some from them .

Other 6 ladies are doing great , oldest is 40 days old and youngest is 30 days old . 40 days old lady is 22 inch tall and have 13-14 buds instead of her main cola . i reduce humidity to around %40 .

i ll put some more updated photo in close future so we can discuss and help each other .

i ll also visit and read your journal too .


day 44 for oldest auto white widow ( second week for flowering ) , day 40 for 1 AWW and 2 auto berry , day 35 for 2 easy ryder .

AWW is much more larger plant than all others but AWW is not going fast for flowering as auto berries . AWW last 7 days get tall 25cm. ( from 45cm to 70cm) , i am not so sure is this normal or i bought some shit mix( i dont know the NPK value ) from flower shop and add it to plants 7 days before .

It is getting hotter here and temperature is around 32-33 C when lights on and 27-28 C when lights off ( lights on in night time and lights off in day time 18/6 ) , Also humidity in my city is around %70 to %80 , the lowest that i can take is around %50 . I bought a humidifier ( 70W humidifier with 600ml/day capacity ) but it is exactly shit , worked last 3 days and got 300ml water in 3 days . Ventilation inside the grow area is more smart thing to do than buy a cheap humidifier .

I was using 1x250W hps( chinese brand ) + 2x50wLED . I just upgrade my lights to 1x400wHPS ( osram ) + 2x50w LED

fertilizer that i used in veg. is 30-10-10 . Fertilizer that i was using for bloom was 10-57-10 ( couldnt find any other , also i didnt use any micronutrients or secondary nutrients like Ca etc.. ) but i just ordered seaweed fertilizer for bloom with secondary and micronutrients , i ll be using this next week , mix is 1-3-2 .

here are the photos . I guess i ll finish exactly in 60-65 days from seed .



Active Member
Just a ?, are you going to use co2 enrichment.
The ladies have grown qutie bit! keep it up, anxious to see your dried/cured product


This is my first grow and i wanted to smoke my own smoke this summer , so i go with autoflowers due to fast finishing period. but my next grow will be a sativa dominant strain

i have high humidity and high temperature problem so i can not turn off ventilating , if you have any co2 idea without turning off ventilation it will be helpful .


Active Member
I'm not a Bio proffessor, but I'm sure the conventional water, sugar, yeast and plastic bottle should suffice in a grow your size.
Ventilation can be frustrating, purely theoretical, but this is what i'm going to do when the time comes for flowering.
Try poking a hole in the cap of the bottle you will be using, just big enough to fit an air tube in there (make sure hole is sealed around tubing) and then use a coat hanger or w/e u decide as support for the tube and prop close to the plant (i prefer main stem) near the top. You could also use some yarn and gently tie the tubing to the plant somewhere close. Now im sure your room wont be jam packed with co2, but; 1-we're obviously not focused on 13-1500ppm exactly as we do not have a regulater and 2-whether alot or not its gauranteed to be more than with out it.

I've read some people reporting their plants dying after adding co2, but im guessing this was beacuase of them over doing it. I can always let you know how it goes for me so u can use for next grow if your still skeptical. As for the exact concentraions of each ingredient, try using youtube or


Hi Again

Until last time i did some investment for ladies . I bought a portable air conditioner and i solve my temperature and humidity problem . When i set up a/c to 26 C , also humidity reduce too , now grow room is always %40 - %45 rh and 26-27 C , i paid 250usd for a/c . When cooling it spends 850W and when only fan working it spends 80W. Also ordered 4L CO2 tube with all necessary parts on it with a 3 plug in digital timer ( i paid totally 50usd ) , after i receive it i will figure it out how to set up ventilation fans a/c and co2 ( seller told me that 4L co2 with 18 h/day usage will enough for 3-5 months but i am not sure about it ) , i ll put new set up photo with ladies new photos after i receive co2 .

See youu