Auto with photos


Well-Known Member
So I made a huggggggge fuck up in my opinion. I grow pretty much only autos right, well when I placed my order last time I got peyote cookies for some reason thinking its an auto. God knows how I made that mistake, but here we are. Were probably at like week 7 and just figured that out . The interesting part is she seemed to like the 18/6 light schedule. Well now I got an issue. I am going to be leaving for vacation in probably July or June. Most likely July, so I have limited time. Now I have to figure out how this is going to work out. Dont say just kill her either. I dont agree with just killing her. So im thinking about mabe putting her in my closet for 12 hours, and then putting her down with the lights for 12 hours to force her into flower. The problem comes with will she be done around the time I need her to be done. Can I get her to the end of June done? She appearantly has a 9 week flowering time. Im ok chopping a little early. Have done it in the past without any major issues. Ugh what have I done!!!!!!!!! Planting outside could be an option even though its not ideal at all. High chance of death in my experience, and getting caught is not fun either (no experience with getting caught, but trying to avoid that at all cost ). At this point I think im going to do my closet idea. The only issue is there is no fan in there. Dont think im going to buy one either. If she does great she does great, if she does bad, then she does bad. Ugh this is such a shitty situation. Note yourself, really pay fucking attention to if its a photo or an auto

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
With fuck ups comes consequences. We can only learn and move on.

Why not go on vacation end July/august?

12/12 darkness idea is only opinion really. I would personally give it 5-10 mins less light so I’m not cutting it close all the time trying to put her to sleep. It’s best to have more sleep than light!!

Roy O'Bannon

Well-Known Member
If you don't have time to dry and cure? Seems like you have enough time to flower if you flip it now.

You could freeze it and make hash later if you run out of time. But if it's a huge deal, just buy some weed when you need it.


Well-Known Member
Put all plants on 12/12. No prob. Lose less than any other choice.
Nahh im not doing that. I got 3 autos, not 3 photos. It would be a different story if most were photos. Im going to just throw her in my closet for 12 hours a day and hope everything goes smoothly. O this is going to bother me now.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have time to dry and cure? Seems like you have enough time to flower if you flip it now.

You could freeze it and make hash later if you run out of time. But if it's a huge deal, just buy some weed when you need it.
I thought I may have enough time to flower. Now I got to figure out the nutrients for her. I always dealt with autos not photos.