Auto Think Different - Day 11 MG Def? N Def? Hard water?


Active Member
What's up guys? I am a grasscity veteran but I posted this problem a few days ago under their sick plants forum and got 0 responses so I figured I would try here.

Medium: Hydro
Method: DWC
Age: 11 Days
pH 5.7
Lighting: 250 MH/HPS and 240 Blackstar LED for flowering.
Strain: Think Different by Dutch Passion

About 5 days in I noticed that the plant was developing yellowish splotches along the inside of the leaves, as well as the edges of the leaves began to curl up. I dosed her with 4 mg each of Micro, Grow and Bloom from AN because I assumed that she was already def.

The splotches spread to the new growth and then seemed to slow a bit but the leaf curling never went away. The more I researched the more I assumed it to be a MG def. I gave her 4 tsp of epsom salts and now we are here. I gave her the epsom about an hour ago and she will go in her 4 hour dark period in a couple of hours. I am in a new state, with new tap water that I have never grown in either, so I was also thinking that the water could be the problem. I really just wanted to post some pics to see if anyone here had an opinion, since grasscity let me down. tdday8.jpgCLOSEUPDAY11.jpgimage_1.jpgimage_2.jpegTDDay11.jpeg

Thanks guys.

I've got a very similar issue, except the leaves also feel rough/crinkly/dry. I'm growing 5 other plants, all of them are very healthy but this one. It's Violator Kush(Coco grow)(others are a differant strain). The leaves are smaller then they should be at this stage. Overall Growth seems to be fine, it's actually got better branching then one of my other plants that sprouted the same day, and just as many internodes, but the leaves are much smaller and it's much shorter.

It doesn't seem to be anything to get that concerned over imo. All I could suggest is try flushing the plant with some Calmg, then slowly upping the PPM to your normal levels.

Day 23


Active Member
that does look like a similar issue. I have already lost two Think Different's right after they popped. Ive currently got this one as well as another sprouted. I have never had trouble like this with any strain I have purchased. If these die I am going to give my blue cheese and headband a go.
