auto strains in scrog


Hi, i was thinking about ordering bout 10 autos femmed

lets just say all germed do u think its possible to jam them all in a 1sq. m homebox under a h600w HPS with good nutes under a scrog net?

i was thinking something like 3x3 = 9 plants but ive never grown autos and ive never tried scrog, i just thought if i put 9 autos the leaves would take too much light, vs if u scrog the main cola (wich is what u want from an auto right? would pop up from the scrog net and perhaps even some side branches wud join the main cola?

IF anyone shud agree / kind of agree what size should the holes in the scrog net be?

IF anyone should NOT agree at all please enlighten me!!!

after all KNOWLEGDE IS POWER :dunce:


Well-Known Member
The only Autos that would need only 1sq foot of space or less are the ones that are so short (12-15" at harvest) that there is literally no reason to SCRoG them to begin with. Just SoG those.

Larger Autos like LR2 and LR2 x AK47 usually get 20-24" tall (at least mine do) and they will need a bit more than 2 CUBIC feet total: that means either 1sq foot min per plant at full height, or 2 to 2.5 square feet SCRoGed down to 12-16" tall (the shorter you SCRoG them down, the more horizontal space they need to compensate).

IMO the only valid reason to SCRoG autoflowering plants (because they are so small to begin with) is if you just don't have any vertical room and have no other choice.

Also remember, a lot of auto-flower varieties are pretty bushy and need a bit more horizontal space than some other plants to begin with because of this (a ruderalis trait).