Auto Somango


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow that I've got going right..Auto's pretty small..I LSTed it but it's still not even a foot tall, it has been getting pretty frosty. I don't have the greatest set up but, Im just trying to get the concept down most importantly. It's on week 6 and is under a t5 fixture. Completely organic grow. I can tell I have a little ways to go but can anyone give me a guestimate as to how much longer I have to wait? How does it look so far?



Well-Known Member
I just took these pics of it this morning..personally as a first time grower I feel like I might be able to cut it today and have some good bud but i was going to wait until like Wednesday or maybe friday at the latest. She's frosty and smells wonderful. Do you think that would be okay..friday would be exactly 9 weeks from seed.

