Auto grow help


Germinated the seed on the 14th planted the 15th and thos is it now? Looks burnt and the leaves are tiny. Ive since moved the led 24"away and intoduced another fan. Temp abt 22°C and humidity 49% light cycle 20/4waterd eveyt 2to3 days. In a 4 galon pot. Any ideas why it looks so shit? I just cant seem to grow man its my 3rd attempt ha ha. Any help be apreciated



Well-Known Member
I bet if you don't mess with it, it will
Take off.

If I worried over every leaf or runt I would never get anything done.
I would also do more harm than good trying to correct it.

If you are in correct soil, under sufficient light and following the basics there is no reason the little seedling wont get its act together.

So unless there is major law of growing you have violated.

Try a little patience

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You should start with photos. Autos are a bit more difficult to control until you can get your technique down. With autos, if you fuck up, it diverts energy towards healing or coping with toxicities/deficiencies, decreasing your yield. Just a thought for you, bud.


Thanks for your input bud haha i thought the oposite to b honest. But ive struggled and losing hope. Gona see how next couple days pan out then go from their. Have abt 3 auto seeds left .