Anyone ever look at a leaf?
I mean really look?
How about a dead leaf?
Look really close?

Doesn't look like much does it?
We pick them off all the time and just throw them away without a thought.
Well you know how things happen when your buzzed?
I'm having me a time like that.
All stoned out, lookin fer the hash,
Bumped into my little microscope.
Well I looked really close at that lowly leave.
I'll probably never throw one away again from near a frosty bud site.
Here, take a look;
Yup! that's good old THC in them things.
How about that? Who'd a thought?
And from what I'm seeing, they're ripe when the leaf dies too.
No chlorafil(sp?). Dried and all.
Probably wouldn't smoke them,, but they'd be just fine if extracted with ice, butane, ISO, etc. don't you think?
Yup, I'm burnt again. Happy weekend all.
(Hmmm,,, Wonder what color the hash / oil would be? Maybe hi dollar color!!!! Well maybe if......................)