Auto flowering


I have 5 AUTO FLOWERING white russian plants 2 weeks old. Can I do some LST with auto flowering??????????
or what can I do to increase yield, never grew auto before


Well-Known Member
reason being is they have virtually no veg stage, and w/ such a short life span you want to avoid any stress at all, how minimal it may be.


Active Member
agreed, your not going to dramatically increase the yield of autos... they do as much growing as they can in the time theyve got, think of it as quality over quantity.


Well-Known Member
Depending on ur setup give plent of side lighting and 20 hrs of light. I wouldnt bend them just give them enough light nutrients and fresh air. Of u bend by the time they repair yhey may br done. I had an auto that got real big but still have me 30 grams dry. Everything has its limit


Active Member
I LSTed my autos and got nice yields. LST is low stress training. If I need a sharp bend I bend it in increments over several days.

If you look over at the autoflower forum you will see people do use LST on their autos.


Well-Known Member
One tip for general success is not to transplant them, ie put them straight from seed into their final resting place, and to use the biggest tallest pots you can get hold of so the roots can reach full potential.
Also apparently tucking in some fan leaves helps. There was a video on youtube to explain and show but the user removed it.


Well-Known Member
DSC00889.jpgDSC00887.jpgDSC00855.jpgDSC00853.jpgDon't transplant and I trim fan leaves once the cola growing out of said fan leaf appears to be able to sustain its own growth, leads to really bushy autos. Also employ side lighting to encourage cola development. There's my 2 cents!