auto flowering strains?


Active Member
im growing in the corn this year and it wont be there till about late june or july probably so would auto flowering even be worth getting cause im starting so late or should i just get regular seeds?


Well-Known Member
You could try some auto strains but I haven't had good luck with them outdoors, they always seem to take longer than if they were indoors, it seems they try to adjust themselves to a more "natural" photoperiod, anyway, give it a try, make sure you start them in May/June as you will want to transplant, difficult to grow from seed in June/July


Active Member
u think thats what i should do.they say there done in july so what if i dont put them out till around then


Active Member
They're only done in July if you plant them May 1st. 10 to 14 weeks from seed no matter when you plant them. If you plant in late June your plants are ready about Oct 1, Same as most photoperiod selections. Doesn't make too much sense to me unless you have auto seeds to burn.



Well-Known Member
im growing in the corn this year and it wont be there till about late june or july probably so would auto flowering even be worth getting cause im starting so late or should i just get regular seeds?
you're SOL friend, Your best bet would be clones of Dr Greenthumb's Auto Iranian.
Can't grow a clone mother indoors ? then forget about, period.