Auto flower growth issue

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Just after some advise. My white widow auto is now into week 4 of growth and I’m concerned that it’s not as tall as maybe it should be. I have 600 watt LED light, medium is coco and using PH Perfect nutrients and my PH level is 6.0. The light cycle is 18/6 due to restrictions on when the fan & light can be on. Although healthy, is it too small? Or am I being impatient? It is currently 7 inches tall.


Ukulele Haze

Well-Known Member
It certainly is a healthy looking plant. I believe White Widows are typically smaller in general. It should stretch considerably when it starts flowering, also. So long as you have realistic expectations for yield with a light like that, I think you're doing fine.

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Cheers pal, as I researched the growth stage on the internet, I understood it that the plant would slow down when flowering commenced. Thanks for the advise, I should think it’ll start to flower soon.