Auto flower clones ????


Well-Known Member
Is it possible ? Do the Ganga gods make it possible. ??? Thinking of some candy kush and was wondering can you pull clones off an auto ? Help me out guys and gents !! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Clone an auto ...Why Yes its totally possible,.....The question here is why? ...its an Auto? done and dusted in 8-10 weeks, time waster!


Well-Known Member
Vostok . Don't wanna buy 100"s of seeds to lead a trail of blue and red lights to my house lol . So would be cloning suffice.!


Well-Known Member
Just grow ya babies out one will be a boy, paint his yellow sperm on the white hairs of the female flower, with a q-tip, mark with tape, and you have seeds at harvest just don't forget to mark with tape or string on the stem


Well-Known Member
No. Sorry.. Why try and clone a plant that is naturally an auto? So you take one or two off a ten or 20 day old plant? Then you'll have a couple 10-20 day old small shifty clones that are going into flower..


Well-Known Member
Only reason to clone an auto is to spray the clone with cs to get feminized pollen from it to put on the mother plant. This will get you hundreds of female seeds.


Active Member
Just get some tm man problem solved if you clone you will spend a ton of money on a electric bill that will only lead you to a gram or two.


well i m givin it a try. got a 4x4 tent full of big band auto clones(that s what was on seed package) tallest is 21" smallest is 9. avg bout 18. all have been topped, some 2x. still an experiment till they start to flower. 2nd batch of clones comin out of the cloner looking good. no transplant shock, hope i m on good side of the learning curve


Well-Known Member
well i m givin it a try. got a 4x4 tent full of big band auto clones(that s what was on seed package) tallest is 21" smallest is 9. avg bout 18. all have been topped, some 2x. still an experiment till they start to flower. 2nd batch of clones comin out of the cloner looking good. no transplant shock, hope i m on good side of the learning curve
I'd guess the clones will start to flower no more than 2 weeks after the parents. You should post the results


i m ready for them to flip any time now. if they dont i ll try encouraging them w some of the tactics picked up here. mother plant not showing any signs either


Well-Known Member
Well guardogz post the results of your experiment . I have an order from herbies coming in 5x fast n fast and 5 x cash of the crop cream auto . I'm curious if it's been done and your the only person I know giving it a try . Keep me updated bud ..!


Well-Known Member
i m ready for them to flip any time now. if they dont i ll try encouraging them w some of the tactics picked up here. mother plant not showing any signs either
IF they are from a reputable breeder, they should auto by themselves within a few weeks of when they "should". Every time you stress it somehow, you can delay flowering a week or so. So give it time. If its an auto it will auto. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
well here's my thought on it
you veg you auto
cut clones
mother finishes
clones finish a little later for a very small yield
back to 0
mother finished clones finished
no possibility of cloning
there is no way in keeping the mother in a vegetative state which is the only real requirement of cloning


Well-Known Member
well only way to really stay "perpetual" is keeping a plant in veg
+ to CS
or just get something that has a male and start your own breed


i think my experiment is null and void. since the mother plant has been growing since oct 15 seems pretty clear i ve got a photoperiod plant. i flipped the timer to 12/12 and put a mh bulb in. some high p bat guano, which is the first fertilizer for them. this works out pretty good as i was gonna pop the only big band photo seed i have. i ve got some ultra lemon auto i ll try to clone as we get closer to the outdoor season, . i do like the strong growth and thick stems big band has. transplanted the the 2nd batch of clones into soil. they got some cold feet(roots) as i had to use some snow to wet down the soil. from ltd experience it seems like this strain likes temps in the 60's f. i m not upset w kannabia, just try to make lemons into lemonade...


Well-Known Member
It's took you this long to figure out what you have going on in your grow room?
Not sure why anyone would try and clone an auto? It pretty much makes no sense.
Using a reg female seed With Your CS would have been the way to go. For sure would
Have put a little more thought into this.


Well-Known Member
Thank You guardogz for a highly predictable and pic free thread, I do hope you get to post some pics for us dummies soon


the seed i popped was a big band auto from attitude. i thought that s what i had. mhogs it did take me longer to figure it out than usual but i had to consult a few people and grow out the clones first. yea i coulda guessed from the mother plant but i believed the seed co more... vostok i m in an unfriendly mj state and unsure if le officers troll these sites for an easy bust. defn agree that there s much more proof in pictures but the skeptics could still just not believe(or say it s a pic of a photo plant). and w someone w years more experience than i defn did nt infer or say u or anyone else is dumb. i planned to post when i had flowers under 18/6 but when i saw the thread i could nt resist. my bad. still think if i can get 20-30 days of veg growth b4 flowering i could do it. my 2nd grow(indoors) guys, cut me a lil slack.