Auto Berry from MNSL


Well-Known Member
My grow exp is limited to one outdoor grow a few years back. Great results with 6-7ft gals. My location is not good for outdoor and was pretty stupid of me to do it the first time. So this year I decided to go indoor in my garage. Nice little 2x4x6 tent, 1000w dual bulb light set up. I didn't get it all set up in time so I have to go with autos. It will get too cold in the garage to start normal plants now.

I planted 2 Auto Berry fem seeds from MNSL in peat pots using MiracleGro garden soil. After about 10 days the seeds popped. I quickly realized 5 or so days after popping I had flushed the soil. I figured I had a nitrogen deficiency and started diluted garden nutes 26-8-18. This pic was taken the day I started nutes.
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Over the next 10 days they got better on a 2 water / 1 nute cycle over 3 days. Ive been testing soil, water and nutes and holding ph at 6.5-7.5 Temps are in the mid 80's and I keep the light 12-18in from the tops. Running 24hr of MH. Also I cut the bottom of the peat pots and replanted into their final pots.
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Another 7 days go by and I think everything is going great. They both start to flower showing female.
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Another 7 days passed and I may have over fed. A couple leaves started to burn. I cut the nutes back to a 3/1 water/nute cycle. And the new growth seems good.
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And another week goes by. These are budding like crazy! But they are only like 6-7" in height. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Light too close at 18" from top of plants?
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I figure Im 4 weeks in and will switch to my HPS bulb during the 5th week. Is this normal? I would think these should be taller by now.
Your problem is your soil, Never use Miracle-Grow products with what we grow. Your soil is full of nutrients, all you can do is flush with water and do not give them nutrients for about 4weeks since your soil already has plenty.
M-G has burned a lot of young roots, try and find another soil next time making sure the soil does not contain slow release nuts or other harmful nuts.
Good luck
Thanks for the input... so the soil is killing the roots. Next grow will try a nute free soil. Is my light ok at 12-18" off the tops? Looks like I will pop a couple more here this week as I will never get enough to get me through winter with these. I will continue to update here with pics.