Auto AK47 PC case grow


Whatup Shady! I'm hugely interested in your grow... I just got my pc grow box and my auto ak's, and I'm looking to start, but I'm a complete noob. I've been doing tons of reading, but would love to get some help from someone who has basically my exact setup and goals. When I get started, I'll post everything in rollitup. How did you get started in terms of germination? I've heard a lot of people growing dwc germinate using the paper towel method, then plant in rockwool, then throw that into the netpots w/ the hydroton. How'd you do it?


Active Member
I just germinated mine the same as I do in soil, in little peat pellets (the ones which expand when you put them in water) which i just placed on and surrounded by the clay balls, in the net pots.
DWC was surprisingly easy with the PH and PPM meters, definately easier than first time soil growing id say, even if just cause its kindof impossible to overwater once they are settled in.
Good luck with your growing :)


Active Member
I am thinking of getting a pc case and doing the auto ak47 and was wondering if a hydroponic system with 2 netpots like mrgrowpro has would allow enough rootspace to get the kind of yield you did, or would it be better to build my own DWC system.
