Australian Wiring CFL's

I have an Australian light fitting, it has four connections. One is marked "L" and another is marked "Earth". The other two are not marked.

Standard power cabling has three wires.

Brown = Live
Yellow = Earth
Blue = Neutral

After wiring it the way I thought it should be I got nothing, I tested the neutral in both of the unmarked points.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
brown & blue should be the "hot" combo

are those the 2 ya tried?

do ya have a volt meter to confirm that?

sorry did not see the photo, does the bulb have a socket? cause only 2 connections on a socket
never took one apart to see how they are wired inside
Ok, so I went back over it all and plugged the hot wires into the unmarked points.....and bingo she lit up nicely. So I'm thinking the "L" may stand for loop or some thing. Thanks anyway mate.