Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!


Well-Known Member
nice. u already got ur otha grow all planned out. =) did u already order those seeds yet?/ the Wonder Woman or Super Skunk? jw

and yeaa, Im thinkin 4 ounces.. gonna take a wild guess and say 115 grams dry. =) and if I guess correctly.. i get 1/2 your yield. =) thats still not bad.. you'll be happy with 57.5 grams right?? =) lol. yeaa, riiite! lmao. but yeaa. thats my guess man! hopefully im wrong.. and its wayyy more! =D


Active Member
wooooow i just went from page 1 to 17! great job!! this is really sick! im doing the same growing method but i flowered way too late =( live and learn. cant wait to see it all dry and cured!


Well-Known Member
I not only have my next grow planed, but I also already have my next grow vegged!! LOL I got the Feminized Super Skunk seeds about two or three months ago, and my Cousin gave me one of his Wonder Women clones. I already have the 4 plants Super Skunk, Aurora Indica, Papaya, & Wonder Women vegged to between 8-10 inches. The Skunk and the Aurora are in 1 gallon black plastic pots and the Wonder Women, and the Papaya are in 1 gallon white plastic Grow Bags. I will be moving them all to 3 gallon black plastic pots.

And yea, to be honest I would be happy with only 3 oz !! I never got over 1 oz per plant before in my life! Not even outdoors! So this grow is a bad ass turning point in my life!!! LOL I'm obsessed with growing .Every time I work on someones roof or house I'm saying "That would make a great grow spot" And my boss laughs and says "You have a one tracked mind" and then I say "no I have a two tracked mind, I think about smoking it too!" lol


Well-Known Member
how do i subscribe to a thread? i want to read all this thread in the morning as i am a little drunk at the mo and wont be able to find it in the morning, if i subscribe then do i just go to MY rollitup and the link to this thread is there?


Well-Known Member
go to the top of the thread and click on thread tools, Then scroll down and click on subscribe to thread. Then a new page pops up I like to click on Instant E-mail notification! Then all I have to do is go to my e-mail and one click brings me right to the newest post in the thread! Hope this helps good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks for that i am subscribed i will read the whole thread in the morning and if all my questions aint already answered ill ask away, an amazing lst! sorry for the stupid ''how to subscribe Q's'' im in the uk its late had a few drinks.


Well-Known Member
Do u guys have when u first sign in every thread u post in that has new posts is shown up on ur screen??
Thats how my sub'd threads come up.. It's wicked :)


Well-Known Member bad....sorry guys The soil last night was still really moist, so I wanted to let it dry out one more day before I harvested her. I read somewhere letting the soil dry out just before harvest helps in the drying process. Definitely tomorrow morning I promise!! LOL


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention.....A friend of my I had given an Aurora Indica clone to has already harvested a small plant and dry it out. It still needs to be cured but Its dry enough to smoke! I broke up two joints the first by hand, It broke up nicely by hand surprisingly for not being cured yet. It rolled and burnt well in a joint as well. It made me cough a lot but its is a cough lock strain ( or so I've heard). I got high...real lasted a long time too. It did have a weird taste, I think it was not properly flushed. But it could just need to be cured. We'll see when harvest my plant because I know its been flush properly, I tested the run off with a ppm meter and everything lol.. This was my friends first time, I thought him all I know. Against my recommendation he jumped the gun and harvested at 6 weeks...LOL But you know how it is your first want to pluck the first bud that grows hahaha
So all in all it was harvested early, probably not properly flushed, and not cured.....And I still got nice and toasty!


Well-Known Member
The buds have a color that reminds me of blue cotton candy in some of those last shots! Is that accurate, or is it just the lighting and the camera doing that?


Well-Known Member
It might be the pic. I see it as more of a lime green, more so even after I hang dried a tester bud. Some of the pics are with the flash and some are not. it looks ..... light lime green, frosted with white speckles. Hope that helps a I'll upload a smell link later so you can get a whiff!


Active Member
WOW! that girl looks awesome! I can't wait to hear (and see ;) ), about the harvest! Looking forward to the next few days


Well-Known Member
yeaa man.. hoping that ur busy harvesting right now!!! hoping the pics will be up today!! woohoo. cant fucking wait!!

and yeaa i know exactly wat ya mean with the camera flash.. sumtimes.. with the flash on.. the buds look like... almost WHITE.. but in real life.. they dont look like that.. but then wen u do it without the flash... its looks more normal... but still doesnt look the same as it does in person. it sucks, cuz its so hard to get an accurate pic of what it really looks like.

well i'll be stopping by like... every 5 min. waiting for those harvest pics!! lol


Well-Known Member
Hay y'all, I been harvesting for over 4 hours and I'm only 2/3 of the way done! I was slow out to start but, my speed is steadily increasing! It's not easy to trim around a cluster of juicy buds, actually it is a pain in the ass, but it looks great! Well I just stopped for a quick McDonald's break, figured I would let you all know I'm working on it! Pics as soon as I am done! TONIGHT!


Well-Known Member
Hay y'all, I been harvesting for over 4 hours and I'm only 2/3 of the way done! I was slow out to start but, my speed is steadily increasing! It's not easy to trim around a cluster of juicy buds, actually it is a pain in the ass, but it looks great! Well I just stopped for a quick McDonald's break, figured I would let you all know I'm working on it! Pics as soon as I am done! TONIGHT!
hahahaha.. yeaa man. I knw how u feel.. sadly it took me like a day 1/2 to trim my whole plant.. lol. im a lil bit too picky. =) but i was the same way.... at 1st i was madd slow.. taking my time.. and enjoying it.. then after about 6-8 hrs... i was like ughhhh.. wtf!!!! lol. hurry the fuck uppp!!! =) but now.. i got a lil less than 6 weeks to go for my other WW plant.. and im looking forward to trimming her already. =)

cant wait for the pics man.. ill be looking for them tonight!!

** if for some readon.. u dont get done by tonight.. maybe you could hit us off with a lil pre-view.. =) and at least show us wat you've been up to. =)


Well-Known Member
What up all!! It took me just over 7 hours but I trimmed her up real nice......Take a look! I'm going to wait till the morning to harvest the Papaya plant!

