Aurora Indica Outdoor grow-PICS


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, ive got a female aurora indica outside in the aussy sun. Its in coco coir and I vegged it for about a month inside under some fluros. Its been outside for about 2 weeks now and she's starting to flower. I will keep this journal updated with lots of pics.:bigjoint:
here she is now



Active Member
hey man thanks for showing me your journal! real interested in this AI!

looking real good though- keep it up


Well-Known Member
thanks mate, im just hoping my spot gets enough sunlight because evrytime im there the plant is only getting a little.......its worrying me


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im sorry to say that when i was walking down to my plant i dropped my camera. It wouldnt turn back on so im getting it repaired at the moment. Will have pics soon


Well-Known Member
yea shes looking good........taking her time though. Seems like she needed a bit to kick into full flowering. Oh well, I can wait.


Well-Known Member
omg ozgrower90 she is looking awsome............................. :D very nice blending in with your suroundings to bro :D

she is gonna be killer come harvest time

You have truely got me interested in this strain bro


Active Member
Hell ya man- looks awesome. She's pretty thick isn't she. Looks like that is going to be a huge cola.

Oh and that spot looks a lot better


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies. Yea she is looking pretty nice but im not expecting a huge yield because she doesnt get a lot of direct sunlight. She is well hidden though so I can finally sleep at night:)
will have more pics soon


Well-Known Member
Was that a bug on the last pic you published? I was going to say to be prepared to ward off bugs and critters.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, I like this strain Aurora Indica, good latin name even if it was not intended, I've seen some of the buds and they do turn rather goldish, nice rich gold hue, AU = Aurora = Gold, green gold :) Looks great!!!!! that pot is quite small though...


O my goodness you plants look sweet!!!!! i got 1 female like that but way shorter lol....anyway nice grow cuz, hit me up sometime i might need some help


Well-Known Member
Was that a bug on the last pic you published? I was going to say to be prepared to ward off bugs and critters.
Looking good, I like this strain Aurora Indica, good latin name even if it was not intended, I've seen some of the buds and they do turn rather goldish, nice rich gold hue, AU = Aurora = Gold, green gold :) Looks great!!!!! that pot is quite small though...
O my goodness you plants look sweet!!!!! i got 1 female like that but way shorter lol....anyway nice grow cuz, hit me up sometime i might need some help
Thanks for the comments guys, umm i dont see any bug boneman...? Maybe theres some shit on my camera lens. Yea the pot is a little small but she was in a smaller pot than that all her life and I just recently transplanted so there should be enough room for now.....hopefully.
What can I help you with Droxter?
Updates soon


Do you know exactly how to dry weed out into a crispy form? I really need to know how to do that!!! And are you posting any eye candy when this is all thru...i hope so lol :D..... and most of my plants are doing good..they just havent grown into a bush like yours.....