Aurora Indica Feminised seeds turned to be hermies or males !!!


Active Member
I got 5 aurora indica feminised seeds from a known seedbank. 4 or 5 germinated .3 of 4 are males (mabye hermies) .I made some pics but beleave me with naked eyes I can see male polen sacks developing on 3 of my plants and no female hair. I also got 5 ak48 feminised seeds , those are least showned sign of females or no sign at all...they are just at beggining of flowering.Should I remove the aurora indica wich are developing polen sacks? Does feminised seeds developing male sacks at beggining of flowering ???


Active Member
Nirvana cant even make regular seeds that dont herm, I dont know why they think they can make fems.
I'm calling Troll on this post.

I'm on my third grow with Nirvana seeds and haven't seen a hermie yet. To the OP, anything happen to your plants that might of stressed them, like problems with the dark period?


Active Member
no problem wiht dark period.I also have ak48 feminised plants together with those aurora indica, but ak`s looks just fine.already showing their hairs and no male sacks at other stress induced.It is not my first grow, but my 10`th or something and never happened with other seeds.I saw on nirvana diferent comments about aurora indica, a lot of people encountered this problem with the same it is nirvana`s fault.