AU Guerilla Grow

plants are looking great mate, nice setup also! i had thought of doing something like that, but i wanted to get a solar garden pond pump and have it pumping water into my reservoir and a over flow for when it fill it. they run all the time they get light.
I was considering the same thing (solar pump), I wasn't too sure how they work & how reliable they would be (the few I looked at were from China, I was concerned there could be issues during the grow). I'm thinking of testing one during winter & if it were to work out well enough then use it for next seasons grow.

The timers have worked fine so far, but toward the end of the week with less water in the reservoir (lower pressure) these bigger plants don't get as great of a feed. The heat/evaporation and the amount of water required at this stage is a problem (except on the shadier Plot 2), but 2 trips a week for the next 2 months shouldn't be bad considering what's at stake.

All a good learning experience though, hopefully I can sum up a few issues at the end of the grow, planning something more successful next time.
Awesome grow mate . I'm from wa as well and planning on doing something similar. Got some site with water supply gonna test out irrigation with solar pump . Sorry if I missed it but do you use a car battery to run ur electrics
How often do you visit and water. Just wondering why you don't steal a green bin and use that for a res and hang it from a tree. When you go water them take a large res in your car or fill it nearby then use a long line of tubing from your car to your spot and transfer water to your larger res. You can use a marine pump off ebay. Just up the feedings with your timer. Its an ingenious idea to do what your doing. You could also set up a security camera so you can check them at the comfort of your own home, I have heard of a few doing this. Also motion detecting which will let you know if any rippers have visited your spot and left with plans to come back and fuck ur shit.
I'll do this in 2 parts (having some issues with the site or connection).

I've got a new camera, so time for a decent update. At the moment it's week 3 of flowering, the only issue recently has been losing the final Lemon Skunk (last week). Heat stress seems to be a real issue on these as I've lost 2 mature plants, 1 more that was in its first weeks of vegging and all clones (about 3-4, one started to root seriously but heat got it too). As much as I was looking forward to these, I guess they're off the menu for next season.

The photos aren't really doing justice, I don't know about other people but being in the presence of these plants is a lot more impressive than the perception provided by the computer.

A quick recap... Plot #1 started with White Widow, Master Kush, Lemon Skunk, Purple Power... The Purple Power flowered early, must have got about 2 oz from it. Maybe a little underdeveloped/no flowering nutes but it was decent enough (a lot more psychedelic than I've experienced). The Lemon Skunk died from heat, I've got a 60l res. in use on the White Widow & Master Kush

Plot #2 started with White Widow, Lemon Skunk, Purple Power and Critical +... The Critical was replaced with a fucked up Master Kush I had at home (stressed twice, topped from cloning hence the strange appearance/multiple 'colas' developing). The Purple Power yielded just under 2 oz. Still smoking it at the moment, decent enough smoke but maybe the genetics & lack of nutes probably didn't help. The Lemon Skunk died from heat, left with the Kush (about 4-feet high), WW (about 5 feet, topped at 2nd node so 2 main stems/colas). In place of the harvested PP is a small White Widow I had around the house (probably less than a foot high, flowering though)

Plot #3 was put in late but all the plants are around 4 feet high, these are the only ones I haven't topped and they've got the decent christmas tree look. 2 Trainwrecks, 1 NL5 x Haze Mist (one more died from heat). Another Lemon Skunk was put in place but also died from heat, so in the spare place is another small WW.

Have to mention the climate here, we haven't had any rain in weeks. There was a storm that passed by a while ago which provided a small amount of rain but aside from that it's quite arid/drought-like Australian conditions. The temperature hasn't really dropped below 30c in what seems weeks (maybe 28c during the day at best, but 35c isn't out of the ordinary).

For nutes, I was going to be using a general bloom fertilizer which is the generic for Australian growers but it's been hard to get in & I got fucked around with an order so I'm stuck with Potash & whatever synthetic granule Phos. I found at Bunnings. Hit them all with that and a solid amount of Blood & Bone at the beginning of flowering so they should be fine from here out. PK 13-14 around week 5, Headmasta & Molasses with each watering.

So about 5-6 weeks to go. From here it should be easy going but I am paranoid about the heat, also wondering if anyone else has ideas of what's going on in these bushlands or if an animals might have a munch in the next few weeks. My concern will be the harvest, manicuring & curing. I may have to do it all in the bush & depending whether it's staggered it's still going to be a bit of work. I don't want to dry it all too fast (as it would in the heat), but at the same time I can't comfortably deal with a 45 min drive with a car-full of weed and hang it in my house hehe.

Finally, I'm having a good time with the work. Keeps me active, interesting hobby and the final product is great of course... So, I'm planning on adding a few more plants once all these are pulled. Most likely landrace suited to harsh conditions. Probably about 6 plants, hopefully the heat and light will keep it together long enough, also the chance of rain will be helpful. Will give me a chance to zone in any further techniques for next years work.
Plot 1:

White Widow (about 5.5 feet, week 3 flower)
P1 Widow.jpg

Master Kush (also about 5.5 feet, stems broke apart (wind I guess), tied them back together with a horizontal splint at the division)
P1 Kush.jpg
P1 Kush (2).jpg

Plot 2:

White Widow (about 5 feet high, week 3 flower)
P2 White Widow.jpg

Master Kush (about 4 feet high)
P2 Master Kush.jpg

Lemon Skunk (dead as fuck, had good potential)
P2 Lemon Skunk.jpg

Plot 3:
Various pics, Trainwreck, NL5 x Haze Mist (all about 4 feet high though look tiny heh).

P3 Trainwreck.jpgP3 Trainwreck & NL 5.jpgP3 Close.jpg
Blazn: Let me know how those solar pumps go. It sounds ideal, would really like to try one myself. I'm curious about 2 things: can you run them off a timer? and are they loud (as it's dead quiet where I am, so any sound is potentially amplified by comparison). The timers are run from 2 AAA batteries.

mrchrondog: Originally it was once a week, at the moment it's twice a week as I've put in so much work that I don't want to chance it with the heat. Everything else holds up with the 60ltr res. fine except those 2 big plants (Plot 1: WW, MK), and I have hopes that they're going to yield decently. But I really like your ideas man, will definitely put them into consideration/have a look around on what it takes. The only thing is, my plot is in the middle of 2 blocks of land that I'm sure have people inhabiting. I have to be careful about how close I get my car or anything that could make some noise (pumps) as sound is easily noticeable in the area. But killer idea, appreciate the input!

The heat is a major problem, I see Eucalypts weltering on the side of the road, reticulated gardens at work dying, it's pretty epic (though I probably only take note because of this hobby). On that topic too, the mushrooms are suffering. Cold = slow growth, Heat = stress/death. Disappointing all round.
Good stuff mate they looking nice! Sucks about the heat we get max temps of like 28 C where I am and we think thats hot! hehe... Something I heard is that sativa plants do better in higher heat because they naturally grow in the more tropical areas and can take higher temps so maybe the more sativa dominant strains next time. Your WW is doing well i think its a 60% sativa?
Peace and Pot!
watchm3spec: Checked out your grow man, looking really good over there! I've heard a similar thing about Sativas, I've been looking into landrace strains recently trying to figure it out but decided on some Indica suited to dry/hot conditions (only for this additional grow). The things that threw me off Sativa were the climate seems to be suited to both hot but humid tropical conditions (with decent rainfall) and I need to keep the water to a minimum. But maybe next season for sure (I'll be putting in a lot of research for something low-maintenance and pure).

I've got 3 feminized seeds of each Afghan Kush & Ketama coming in the mail from Demon Seeds (first time, Seed Boutique's done well previously though) and also a 90w UFO LED. The plan is to get them started indoors for a few weeks until they're ready to seriously veg and throw them in the bush to flower through Autumn (maybe finish early Winter). As far as the sources go, these plants do well in not-so-great conditions, being deep Indica/'hash plants' it should be decent flowering. All the equipment from this grow will be freed up so it should be fine (prepping in advance).
Midweek check & everything looks good, the Trainwrecks & NL look great! My only concern is the large Kush (and starting to show on the WW), there's a lot of yellowing on the large (specifically lower) fan leaves to the point of them dying/crumbling off. I guess I'm lacking nitrogen so I might hit it with something on Saturday (with some additional trace elements in case)... Even looking at the picture of the Kush, it's almost on the verge of looking like stems and flowers, is this going to be an issue while flowering or greatly effect the yield?
Happened to me last year on some White Rhinos but I managed to recover them a bit because i switched nutes and I was using a bloom fert with NPK of 0-3-1 didnt check it and didnt kno wif that brand ur meant to feed like 5ml grow and 10ml bloom lol. The buds still got nice and fat met my expected yield
Hey, reading about your watering problems, u should set up a Rez connected to a tap timer, that feeds into a smaller box with a bilge pump and float switch for water pressure then split to all your plants, I use this on 11 plants a fair bit larger than those plants 300l lasts for about a week with mine

"20 consecutive days of temperatures above 30 degrees". Have to bow out of shrooms until it cools down...

Pictures are at week 4 of flowering (Saturday), update is the mid-week check (done this afternoon)... So, I changed up the fertilizer, needing more nitrogen I used the generic Thrive bloom and it burnt them quickly. Ranging from minor (plot 3), to almost destroying the large Master Kush. Fuuuuck. I have to admit, I got that 'sick' feeling coming across it. So close and I fuck up. It's shitty but I'm sure almost all of them will do fine, and at the same time; we learn from mistakes fast so it's good to know limitations for next time. Flushed them the best I could, will lower the fert next time, hit them with the PK 13-14 in maybe 2 weeks and see how they go from there.

Anyway, the leaves are starting to frost up with trichomes. Flowers are starting to form, there's an aroma when close to the plants, mainly the large White Widow and Trainwrecks. Judging from the smell, should be some of the best weed I've had available hehe. Hoping they all hold out, no animals or unforeseen shit goes down.

Slight storm in Perth, no rain made it where the plants are located. But the winds knocked the Kush over (again), and the White Widow in Plot 2 (again). These were already staked up, now they have 2 supports. Still losing fan leaves (yellowing out & dying).

Plot 1.
Master Kush. After the nute burn, heat stress/lack of water & being knocked over in the wind (twice), this one isn't doing too great. Sort of looks like stems & buds, a few small leaves around the flowers. All the old fan leaves are dead as fuck. I don't have high hopes for it but maybe there will be some yield. Next update will look horrible.
P1 K1.jpgP1 K3.jpgP1 K2.jpg

White Widow... Still doing great, slightly nute-burned but holding up well enough. Starting to smell great. I've got high-hopes for this one, hopefully from here on there's no issues.
P1 WW 1.jpgP1 WW 2.jpg

Plot 2.
Master Kush. Doing fine, maybe a bit slower in terms of flowering. After the over-fert. the leaves were looking a little unhealthy. Should be fine though.
P2 K1.jpgP2 K2.jpg

White Widow. Lost a lot of lower leaves due to the burn (next update). Still moving along fine enough though. Looks like the top colas will be an ok yield, don't know about the rest of the plant.
P2 WW1.jpgP2 WW2.jpg

Plot 3.
These have been doing great as usual. Slight nute-burn (next update), probably just past the threshold so the trichomes are coming out strong, few lower leaves lost. If all my plants had worked as well as these I'd be content as fuck (next time hehe).
P3 1.jpgP3 3.jpgP3 2.jpg

Lastly, I'm starting to think of the yield. I'm a newb, I haven't flowered anything and I don't think I've even viewed a flowered plant in person (other than what's in the bag). I'm assuming it's less than what's expected from someone who isn't so experienced but what type of numbers would you throw around on say, a 6ft White Widow that's vegged for 3-4 months, or 4ft Trainwreck with 2+ months of veg? Got 5 or so weeks to find out, the curiosity is eating at me though.
200sxy: That sounds like a great idea. Where did you source the equipment? I'm having a lot of trouble even finding things at Bunnings. It seems like WA is missing out. Would be a great idea for the next grow though, I'm not sure if I can get anything bigger than the 60l bins I use for the reservoirs at the moment.

"20 consecutive days of temperatures above 30 degrees". Have to bow out of shrooms until it cools down...

Pictures are at week 4 of flowering (Saturday), update is the mid-week check (done this afternoon)... So, I changed up the fertilizer, needing more nitrogen I used the generic Thrive bloom and it burnt them quickly. Ranging from minor (plot 3), to almost destroying the large Master Kush. Fuuuuck. I have to admit, I got that 'sick' feeling coming across it. So close and I fuck up. It's shitty but I'm sure almost all of them will do fine, and at the same time; we learn from mistakes fast so it's good to know limitations for next time. Flushed them the best I could, will lower the fert next time, hit them with the PK 13-14 in maybe 2 weeks and see how they go from there.

Anyway, the leaves are starting to frost up with trichomes. Flowers are starting to form, there's an aroma when close to the plants, mainly the large White Widow and Trainwrecks. Judging from the smell, should be some of the best weed I've had available hehe. Hoping they all hold out, no animals or unforeseen shit goes down.

Slight storm in Perth, no rain made it where the plants are located. But the winds knocked the Kush over (again), and the White Widow in Plot 2 (again). These were already staked up, now they have 2 supports. Still losing fan leaves (yellowing out & dying).

Plot 1.
Master Kush. After the nute burn, heat stress/lack of water & being knocked over in the wind (twice), this one isn't doing too great. Sort of looks like stems & buds, a few small leaves around the flowers. All the old fan leaves are dead as fuck. I don't have high hopes for it but maybe there will be some yield. Next update will look horrible.
View attachment 1470868View attachment 1470869View attachment 1470870

White Widow... Still doing great, slightly nute-burned but holding up well enough. Starting to smell great. I've got high-hopes for this one, hopefully from here on there's no issues.
View attachment 1470871View attachment 1470872

Plot 2.
Master Kush. Doing fine, maybe a bit slower in terms of flowering. After the over-fert. the leaves were looking a little unhealthy. Should be fine though.
View attachment 1470876View attachment 1470878

White Widow. Lost a lot of lower leaves due to the burn (next update). Still moving along fine enough though. Looks like the top colas will be an ok yield, don't know about the rest of the plant.
View attachment 1470877View attachment 1470875

Plot 3.
These have been doing great as usual. Slight nute-burn (next update), probably just past the threshold so the trichomes are coming out strong, few lower leaves lost. If all my plants had worked as well as these I'd be content as fuck (next time hehe).
View attachment 1470880View attachment 1470881View attachment 1470882

Lastly, I'm starting to think of the yield. I'm a newb, I haven't flowered anything and I don't think I've even viewed a flowered plant in person (other than what's in the bag). I'm assuming it's less than what's expected from someone who isn't so experienced but what type of numbers would you throw around on say, a 6ft White Widow that's vegged for 3-4 months, or 4ft Trainwreck with 2+ months of veg? Got 5 or so weeks to find out, the curiosity is eating at me though.

You will most likely yield roughly 2-3 oz per plant if your lucky, without LST'ing, Fimming, Supercropping or Topping outdoor plants stretch alot, they need constant management to increase outdoor yeild using techniques i previously said. thats being realistic, however, in time, each grow, you will increase that as you will have grows under your belt, i have a few outdoors plants going at present ( feel free to check them out here ; ) but good job, be patient and wait till they have 100% ripened. looking sexy at present, stay green. Peace.
How often do you visit and water. Just wondering why you don't steal a green bin and use that for a res and hang it from a tree. When you go water them take a large res in your car or fill it nearby then use a long line of tubing from your car to your spot and transfer water to your larger res. You can use a marine pump off ebay. Just up the feedings with your timer. Its an ingenious idea to do what your doing. You could also set up a security camera so you can check them at the comfort of your own home, I have heard of a few doing this. Also motion detecting which will let you know if any rippers have visited your spot and left with plans to come back and fuck ur shit.
how do you connect the camera like that from a long distance without wifi