Attn Nor-Cal growers, help please!


My nor cal brethren, I need your advice. My first grow ever! I realize that Im at LEAST 5 weeks late, but I just got permission from my landlord to put 12 plants on our back porch. 6 of my own, 6 of his own. Card's coming out of next paycheck. Our backporch is southfacing and lies east and west. It get's GREAT daylight. The porch is pretty gigantic too, about 30'Lx20'W. Totally secure, about 30 feet up from our backyard. So its a pretty pristine spot, I think. My problems I need advice with are a few. 1)Given my late start, which strains do you think I should shoot for? 2)I know I can afford 12 clones within this weeks paycheck (next one is two weeks away), and probably good happy frog or foxfarm soil too (maybe). BUT, might not be able to secure the nutes and soil supplements for two weeks, can the plants survive on what the soil provides them for that long? 3) Not necessarily imperative, but if I transplant the clones as soon as I get them into the soil this week, buy nutes for them in two weeks, and can afford the soil supplements then as well, can I add the soil supplements (vermiculite, worm castings, bat guano etc) in two weeks, or would it be too late? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated you guys, thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
i have a buddy who waited till mid august last year beacuse of finances, he only got like 3ozs per plant but it was some fire personal smoke.


Lol Im crossing my fingers I can at least get up to 1lb each, depending on strain? My closest friends that have been growing pull 2-4lbs per plant, Im trying to mimic everything I can from them, with the exception of my retarded timing lol.


Ya see? Now THATS the kind of sound advice Im looking for. I figured that collectives have to keep clones at different levels of aging for dummies like me! lol


Active Member
You should still be able to get some good weight, this video shows this guys plants and he says he planted them early July, they look like half pounders easily. Check it- . I am hoping to get at least half a pound on mine, I got a nice Church plant from seed about 6 weeks old, also a mango, 2 grand daddy clones, and 2 seedlings. Seedlings grow so much faster than clones honestly, My grand daddy clones are just starting to get bushier and when i got them they were like 4 times the size of the Church plant, and now the Church is like 4 times the size of the clones. Heres a pic of the Church church top, SC, LST.jpg


Damn son! Im crossing my fingers for this. I know Ive heard a lot of GDP, I was hoping maybe they'd be a good investment for what I need. Ive been putting off growing the last few years. All my friends have been. My current financial situation pretty much demands I take this step (about $6K debt (FTN!)), so Im crossing my fingers for around 1lb/plant. Landlord wants me to get his 6 going too, trying to figure out how I can charge him fairly as well.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion i think some good ol skunk weed really puts on the weight.
wish i could find some f**king increadible,


Well-Known Member
Hey Alpha...I too live in NorCal. Not sure how close to the bay area you are, but you can go to harborside health center in oakland and pick up significantly more mature plants than just clones (I think they call them "starters"). You pay an extra price for them, but given the restricted timeline + your 1 LB/Plant requirement.....I don't see many other ways. You can also look on craigslist and search on prop 215 or clones and find individuals selling both clones and mother plants albeit potentially sketchy. Buy a mother or other larger plant....put those girls in large plastic pots from home depot (given your budget) use foxfarms soil and you're all good. The soil will have enough nutrients already in it to last you several weeks, so no stress there.

As far as Big Yielders go. Any big bud derivative like salmon creek big bud, Grandaddy Purple, Northern Lights x Big Bud will generally yield well and don't have too long of flowering time. I got a tremendous yield out of Hindu Skunk from Harborside, but the Big Bud variants will generally yield higher. I've heard but cannot confirm that AK-47 and The Chronic from Greenhouse Seeds are also heavy yielders. Hope this helps!


Damn man, thanks! Helps a lot. Not sure if I can make the trip to Oakland tho. Im in north Napa/Sonoma area. It'd be a long ass drive without yet having my script.


So does anyone know if there are any dispensaries, or hookups, in the lake/mendo areas with 'starters'? I just tried two places today, all they had were tiny baby purple erk's for $15/plant. I JUST bought 6 25gal smart pots and 15 big bags of ffof, so I'd really like to get this done before its waaaay too late. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck!

There are sites on line that list MMJ doctors.


If you get clones, now, they'll go into flower in about two weeks.

They'll double or triple their current size by the end of flowering. If they're twelve inches tall and growing vigorously, and planted July 17th they'll get about three feet tall and produce two to four ounces each.

You can delay flowering if you run a porch light until late evening for a few weeks. This will delay finishing but it could increase your yield.

You are starting very late.


Well-Known Member
Like VG said, get some lights. Keep them on 18/6 until they get bigger. You only need them a couple of hrs a day. The good daytime sun will make them grow, the lights will keep them from flowering early. You should be able to get a month or more. They don't need to be big lights, 100w work well.

Good luck!

P.S. Any of the "White" strains are Beasts and grow very fast!


Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback! Well I got my clones, kind of confusing because I ended up using two different sources. I got: 2 champagne clones about 2ft tall, pretty bushy; 1 hashberry, same size; then also 1, 1ft tall clone of skunk. A friend of mine also got me 2 cheese clones from a local dispensary. The first 4 I got for $100, the two cheese I got for $15/each. Thoughts? Especially on the champagnes and hashberry? I havent heard of them before.

I put the first four out on my backporch sometime around 6pm, whole porch was shade, even tho the sun was still up for another couple hours. I was thinking of transplanting everything tomorrow around the sametime as I put them out today, around 6. I plan of having the larger 4 in the direct sun until around noon or so, then having them scooted to a shadier spot; then the 2 smaller cheese clones kept in the shade outside allday. Can this work to wean them to the sunlight? And as to the comments to the lighting tricks, I THINK the best spot I could possibly give them an hour or two of extra light is in the garage, but I dont have any decent watt lights. So should I maybe do the light thing with just the brand new (cheese) clones with the lights I have, or?


Well-Known Member
hell ya congrats on getting started man i havent grown champagne or hashberry but just about any skunk plant does awsome outdoors.


New Member
i live in nor cal to and i started some new strains a couple weeks out door with no nutes and there growing big ur guna do good to bro good luck


Thanks you guys, appreciate the encouragement! Question on the added light tip tho: A)Should I start them tonight (transplanting to ffof 2.5bags/25gal smartpots), or wait until the daylight shifts? B) Just got back from the local shitty hardware store, no 100w cfls. Instead they DID have 100w halogens, I bought it recalling that I'd read somewhere that plants do OKAY with halo's. Will this 100w (1500lumens) halo work for my purposes of additional light?


Phew! Got all 6 into the smartpots. FYI 2.5 bags of ffof fits PERFECTLY into 25gal smart pots. Watered somewhere around 1.5 gal each of the 4 larger plants, 0.75-1 for the two smaller cheese plants. What do you guys think? Any answer to my above questions? Thanks guys

