attitude sucks!


Active Member
just got mine from them 2day ordered on the 13th... they r a great seed bank,they have never let me down 4th order
Okay. Rachel confirmed the message and said their waiting on tga/subcool for more stock. So in the mean time im going to pop the vanilla kush and pineapple chunk. Once again my apologies attitude. And thanks for the quick reply and great gear.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly tell you that although Greenhouse's White Widow is a decent strain, you aren't missing out on anything special. Just a cool sour-pine taste and a moderate head buzz. It was good in the 90's but now there are tastier more potent options.

Glad to hear the Deep Purple was just out of stock. The Attitude has never disappointed me so I am sure you will receive them as soon as possible bro.


Well-Known Member
Did you get the seeds that you ordered plus the free ones? If you ordered during the 4/20 special, they included lots of extra freebies for that promotion. The t-shirt and mug are shipped seperately and take several weeks to arrive.

What makes this a "shambles"?
I got the coffee mug and the shirt just today before the actual order. The coffee mug is a nice addition. I tried the shirt on and it fits good! I'm sure that you will agree when you get it. They have their website address on the back of the shirt. They're really stepping it up. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I ordered 6 AF strains.
In short order I rec'd a t-shirt and inside was exactly what I ordered as well as the freebs.
I started some of all six strains-14 seeds total-in jiffy peat pellets.
All 14 sprouted. Since transplanting 10 have survived the hungry deer.
2nd time using Attitude, will use again.

Brick Top

New Member
I can honestly tell you that although Greenhouse's White Widow is a decent strain, you aren't missing out on anything special. Just a cool sour-pine taste and a moderate head buzz. It was good in the 90's but now there are tastier more potent options.
If you wanted to sample the original Cup winning genetics instead of an average grade knockoff you should have purchased the original genetics. Had you done that you would know what the Cup winning genetics are actually like.

What did you really expect from a low-priced knockoff, top quality equal to or better than the original Cup winning genetics?

Far to few people who talk about marijuana actually compare apples to apples really should begin to talk apples to apples because much of the time they talk, they complain and they badmouth and they rip and shred away at something or someone. But most times it turns out that they do not know what they are actually talking about, at least not completely.

You are the perfect example. You grow a knockoff of a Cup winning strain, you grew Green House Seeds version of the famous White Widow. You are not impressed by the results of your chosen knockoff grow, which by the way are all the blame of genetics and skill and setup, or a lack there of, do not factor into final results in the least, and then you say; “It was good in the 90's but now there are tastier more potent options.”

To begin with the singular complaint about the original White Widow was its flavor/taste. There were; “tastier” options decades before White Widow was created and; “tastier” options were in the same competition as the original White Widow and lost to it, and there have been; “tastier” options ever since. It is not like the original White Widow was considered to taste good when it won its Cup and since then breeders have worked hard to improve the taste of marijuana. Bubble Gum was one of the tastier strains to come down the pike for some years when it became famous, but it existed in the same form several decades earlier, several decades before White Widow existed, so; "tastier" existed well before the original White Widow showed up. "Tastier" is not some new creation or invention or upgrade.

OK, tasty is cool and the gang …. but I have been getting high for 42 years now and so far I have yet run across any strain where the flavor and the flavor alone got me high or even just got me higher. Have you? Has anyone? Ever? NOPE! That is why flavor is a good bit down the list of priorities when I pick a strain. I think it is listed just above ‘it comes in keen colors.’

You pick a world famous strain , a specific combination of genes, and then you grow a genetically different plant from a different breeder that shares the same strain name and that is enough for you to pronounce the original Cup winning genetics of White Widow to be dead and buried?

Oh, I almost forgot, you picked a famous strain that was famous at the same time for being the best of the year but also for being the worst tasting, and then when the plant someone creates by trying to duplicate the cross using genetically different but still similar plants does not taste like candy or something you are amazed and complain about it as if it weren’t to be expected by anyone who has ever smoked or knows much about White Widow.


So far I have known of 1 original White Widow, 24 knockoffs, well 25 if you count Doggies Nuts White Widow #1, but I don’t because of the #1, and I cannot swear that I have learned of them all so there may have been more, and you picked one single knockoff from the legion of knockoffs and when not impressed by it you passed judgment on what you grew, roughly 23 other knockoffs and also on the original Cup winning genetics.

It is amazing that you were capable of accurately judging so many different genetic combinations all from your single sample. Now that took true wunder-intelligence. You really should be on “Jeopardy.” If they offered the question categories of ‘Jumping Too Conclusions’ and ‘Misinformation’ you could walk away with a tidy sum of winnings because it is evident that you have an impressive degree of skill and talent for both.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, you just got burned hardcore Eternal. I think the only thing BT left out is that if you want the original WW visit Mr. Nice. You could probably pick any strain offered by Shanti, and I doubt you would be ever be disappointed.
I orderd from The Attitude recently. (My first seed order ever) They recieved my cash on the 16th (yes, I sent them cash, the only thing I work in) and they got my ordre to me on the 26th, to a state where real live cowboys still roam.....The only deviation they made on my order is that out of all 9 of my free seeds 2 of them were NOT supposed to be feminized BUT they WERE! :) Although I would have to say that they do seem a bit small in comparisin to the Schwag seeds I usually see and I've heard this from others but...I dig the attitude so far!

So I'd have to say that they hooked me up....I cant wait to to these break ground.
By the way, Brick Top I can't read you posts without sounding it out in my head in the actual "Bricktops" voice!
Please don't change a thing! It's fun for me.


Active Member
If you wanted to sample the original Cup winning genetics instead of an average grade knockoff you should have purchased the original genetics. Had you done that you would know what the Cup winning genetics are actually like.

What did you really expect from a low-priced knockoff, top quality equal to or better than the original Cup winning genetics?

Far to few people who talk about marijuana actually compare apples to apples really should begin to talk apples to apples because much of the time they talk, they complain and they badmouth and they rip and shred away at something or someone. But most times it turns out that they do not know what they are actually talking about, at least not completely.

You are the perfect example. You grow a knockoff of a Cup winning strain, you grew Green House Seeds version of the famous White Widow. You are not impressed by the results of your chosen knockoff grow, which by the way are all the blame of genetics and skill and setup, or a lack there of, do not factor into final results in the least, and then you say; “It was good in the 90's but now there are tastier more potent options.”

To begin with the singular complaint about the original White Widow was its flavor/taste. There were; “tastier” options decades before White Widow was created and; “tastier” options were in the same competition as the original White Widow and lost to it, and there have been; “tastier” options ever since. It is not like the original White Widow was considered to taste good when it won its Cup and since then breeders have worked hard to improve the taste of marijuana. Bubble Gum was one of the tastier strains to come down the pike for some years when it became famous, but it existed in the same form several decades earlier, several decades before White Widow existed, so; "tastier" existed well before the original White Widow showed up. "Tastier" is not some new creation or invention or upgrade.

OK, tasty is cool and the gang …. but I have been getting high for 42 years now and so far I have yet run across any strain where the flavor and the flavor alone got me high or even just got me higher. Have you? Has anyone? Ever? NOPE! That is why flavor is a good bit down the list of priorities when I pick a strain. I think it is listed just above ‘it comes in keen colors.’

You pick a world famous strain , a specific combination of genes, and then you grow a genetically different plant from a different breeder that shares the same strain name and that is enough for you to pronounce the original Cup winning genetics of White Widow to be dead and buried?

Oh, I almost forgot, you picked a famous strain that was famous at the same time for being the best of the year but also for being the worst tasting, and then when the plant someone creates by trying to duplicate the cross using genetically different but still similar plants does not taste like candy or something you are amazed and complain about it as if it weren’t to be expected by anyone who has ever smoked or knows much about White Widow.


So far I have known of 1 original White Widow, 24 knockoffs, well 25 if you count Doggies Nuts White Widow #1, but I don’t because of the #1, and I cannot swear that I have learned of them all so there may have been more, and you picked one single knockoff from the legion of knockoffs and when not impressed by it you passed judgment on what you grew, roughly 23 other knockoffs and also on the original Cup winning genetics.

It is amazing that you were capable of accurately judging so many different genetic combinations all from your single sample. Now that took true wunder-intelligence. You really should be on “Jeopardy.” If they offered the question categories of ‘Jumping Too Conclusions’ and ‘Misinformation’ you could walk away with a tidy sum of winnings because it is evident that you have an impressive degree of skill and talent for both.
u need to pipe down and lighten up,


Active Member
I just received my 4/20 order from attitude and received an "interesting" mix so-to-speak. 4 mystery to me beans and at least the lowryder that I wanted. Nicely packed within a 92nd bomb group t-shirt.


New Member
hey everyone i placed four orders from attitude that dispatched 4/14, 4/19/,4/22, and 4/25 i have recieved every order except the one shipped 4/19 which just happens to be my biggest order also. So i was just wondering how concerned should i be i did get the guaranteed shipping. Has anybody had to have an order reshipped how cooperative was attitude?​


Active Member
man I got my 420 order yesterday and DID NOT get the 3 FREE ones they were adverstising...I didn't get the White Widow, Red Diesel, or Bluecheese...

instead I got some random cheap crap like $8 a single seed of some UFO stuff..emailed them to see if I can get the three above at a later date...


Active Member
man I got my 420 order yesterday and DID NOT get the 3 FREE ones they were adverstising...I didn't get the White Widow, Red Diesel, or Bluecheese...

instead I got some random cheap crap like $8 a single seed of some UFO stuff..emailed them to see if I can get the three above at a later date...
Sounds like you and I received the exact same order

Brick Top

New Member
u need to pipe down and lighten up,
Wasn’t that actually a quote from one of Einstein’s teachers when he was a child and they were advising? I am sure I read it somewhere and that seems to ring a bell. If so maybe I should consider it because if he followed that advice ... hey .. look how far it took him.

Sorry for having turned on a light of reality and injected a few actual facts and things that are valid to consider into the thread and spoiled the fun fantasy part where everything goes as long as it can be typed.

Getting things right is just so boring and tedious and time consuming and .. and ... and .... icky ...... so why bother to make any effort to do so when you can have fun instead?

Brick Top

New Member
hey everyone i placed four orders from attitude that dispatched 4/14, 4/19/,4/22, and 4/25 i have recieved every order except the one shipped 4/19 which just happens to be my biggest order also. So i was just wondering how concerned should i be i did get the guaranteed shipping. Has anybody had to have an order reshipped how cooperative was attitude?​

I have never had an order from Attitude not be delivered, but then I can say I have never had any bean order not be delivered so do not take how I started out as an endorsement of Attitude .. it was just commenting on how I do not have personal experience with your current possible situation.

Since discovering Attitude, now and then like happens with any seedbank, sooner or later an order seems to vanish. You said you paid for the best shipping, which I am assuming is their best stealth method. Of course you have a tracking number, two most likely since the order began in the UK and evidently you are elsewhere. They are notorious for being slow and behind time but after this amount of time if for some reason your order has hit a logjam or likely snagged by Customs (if involved) that the tracking information should be correct, it should have caught up with your package by now if it is standing still and not on a world tour. You should if nothing else be able to know the last location it arrived at.

That does not tell you where your order is, but it does tell you if it was last in the hands of Customs, and has remained there a rather long time, which might be able to be taken as a less than positive sign, or if it passed Customs and vanished at some point between yourself and Customs.

Unless your postal carrier delivered your order to your neighbor and is positive it was delivered to you and all records show that is was delivered to you then there has to be a dead end trail you can show to Attitude.

If you receive the ‘dreaded letter’ that is always pretty darn good proof that your order was not delivered to you.

From the threads I have read where someone’s Attitude order vanished I would say in almost every case the beans were replaced … one or two times replacements were sent and then the original order finally showed up … but they cleared that up.

But it seems that they are willing to work with you based on what I have read.

Also based on what I have read I would suggest, if you have not already done so and done it more or less like this, gather as much up to date as possible evidence as you can and email Attitude and show what you have and politely express a level of concern. Of course include your order number and if you have your email notification of the order being placed and or shipped send copies of those too just to make it easier for them on their end.

Like any guarantee there are guarantees and there are guarantees and never having to rely on Attitude’s I do not know if there might be some odd wording where it gives Attitude the chance to slip out on say, one in every twenty lost orders, but ask if the guarantee that you paid for as part of your shipping option covers this particular situation and if so how soon will things be rectified? Asking is not opening the door for them to fib and slip out. It just sounds much better than basically demanding the guarantee that almost certainly applies in your case be honored and be honored instantly. Some people take that approach. They do not always get as far as they wished they would have.

Unless there is some valid reason why there is some logjam/some delay holding up all sorts of packages, like the volcanic ash problem for a bit, and they say give it another week or something, most likely they will take care of you fairly soon, as long as you deal with them politely.

I am not saying Attitude is touchy but I do not know if there is a single seedbank where I have not read at least one claim where someone’s order did not arrive and they emailed the seedbank and they began rather unhappy and then got gruff and the seedbank just said bite me. If any or all such claims are true or not I cannot swear but I am sure I have read about it happening at least once with every seedbank I have ever know, so I figure why not play things on the safe side just in case?

I cannot predict your future but like I said, in most cases I read or heard about where an order from Attitude actually did vanish, was just not a bit later than anyone expected, but it did actually pull a Houdini-deal, if the customer gave Attitude all the info they could and with what Attitude would check and could do to verify, if things matched up and the person was nice, beans were normally resent.

I would not tell you it would be an overnight process. A few examples did drag out a bit long in my opinion, but then you never know what all effects various things, and a time or two things were resolved very swiftly. But in the end most had happy endings, and by most I mean almost all.

You will likely be one more such happy ending.