Attitude Seeds


Active Member
no but i think more people should buy seeds from them marijuana is beautiful plant with many uses and this website does THE USA justice if half my friends knew about it i'd generate so much fricken biz for them but im stingy growin it all for ma self


New Member
I dont think you guys understand. The seceond they "susposidly handed my package to there post office" it nvr made it past that.

My package is still at their post office. And i know there bullshittin me. I was royally screwed by there dipshit dumbshits ass twice!

First time they sent me wrong seeds and wouldnt fix my order unless i sent them my seeds back cmon man wtf is that im in midwest usa i dont have a month to fix your fucking mistake. 2nd order this happened.

There a fucking retarded joke company. Order from them while they take your arms n legs im buying elsewhere.

Id spit on them if i could