Attitude Seeds - Compromised?

Finally happened! :-(

Two packages I had sent to a friend from Attitude Seeds were intercepted by customs. What is strange is that there were two different orders, both shipped "guaranteed" and both of them were intercepted. They left Attitude ten days apart from each other. I had been tracking them and noticed they went a strange route, so, I kinda expected the "someone tried to send you contraband" letter from customs.

My buddy, of course, pitched the letter and is now in the process of damage control (he is a little paranoid). He spoke to a friend he has in another state who works for the postal service and he said that USPS is now x-raying ALL packages that come into the country, since the attempted mail attacks on the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. He said, in a nutshell, that it is going to become damn near impossible to get seeds into the country from the UK or from anyplace else for that matter.

Anyway, I still love the Attitude! Will just have to wait for my trip to London next year to stock up, but, be forewarned! Another friend I have says his package is about three weeks overdue for delivery as well so he is likely in the same situation.

Sigh....$500 in genetics gone! :-(


Well-Known Member
What's a stoner to do? That's a bummer dude. I guess theres not much you can do except try to have them reshipped, but if their using x-ray and can pick them off every time it would just serve to bring the heat down on you. Be careful man.
No point in doing that. I have about 8 strains right now to work with, some pure Sativa, some pure Indica, so I am just going to have to breed the strains I want! :)

And, I do not think it is just The Attitude who is compromised! If what my friend said was true, it is going to become damn near impossible to get seeds into the US from any source. That said, if it was BS, then it should be business as usual as soon as the heat calms down. However, with all the attention being paid to the attempted mail-bomb attacks of recent months, I am not surprised that they are x-raying all packages now.

Proceed with caution people! Damn government is getting it's panties in a wad...

Thanks bin Laden! (note: sarcasm)

Guess you're gonna have to switch companies.
Did you notice anything strange when you tracked it?

And, who the hell knows, my friend bud at USPS might not know shit or he might be pulling a leg. Still, I just wanted to spread the information, not to create panic or debate, but rather as a head's up to those who might want the information.

I made an order just before xmas and didnt get it until 2 weeks ago
Yeah man! If it comes through without a hitch, that pretty much shoots down the x-ray of package theory!

I still think The Attitude is incredible, and I will call them tomorrow AM to see what they say about refunding me the cost of the shipment.

I placed an order on Feb 4th, that was dispatched on the 5th. I will let you know when I get it.


Active Member
ya the tracking was diff then the last couple orders ive made, first order 8 days, 2nd about 15 this order was about 5 weeks, on the tracking it left attitude on the 2nd day and spent rest of the time in ny

i hope this xray thing isnt tru its nice to keep a good collection
Mine went a MUCH different route than the last three orders I had dispatched! I pretty much got suspicious when I saw it go about two states off-route...

Anyway, let's see what happens with other peoples orders.

ya the tracking was diff then the last couple orders ive made, first order 8 days, 2nd about 15 this order was about 5 weeks, on the tracking it left attitude on the 2nd day and spent rest of the time in ny

i hope this xray thing isnt tru its nice to keep a good collection
Hmmm....guess the X-ray theory is BS then?

Or, maybe it is just a couple ports of entry that are doing it?

Who knows? Just keep this thread at the top and see what is going down with other shipments.

i just got my seeds from overseas from the email to my door step was one week

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this came inside my very first order nearly stopped me from ever ordering again, now i just order small amounts never over an amount that will set me back :mrgreen:letter.jpg
Jesus, you have some balls!

If I got that letter, I would not be ordering from overseas again! Still, did they keep the seeds in the order or what?

Also, how the hell is customs picking out these packages if they are not x-raying? Dogs perhaps?
They can x-ray, use dogs, check the sent from address...

It is the GOVERNMENT man operating under the Patriot Act! It may not be efficient, but, it likely does not have to be when there is no oversight!

There's no way they can xray every single package efficiently. Just gonna have to stealth em from now on I guess


Active Member
the seeds dont give the same scent to the dogs as to what the actual drugs do, most dogs are trained for pot, coke, cash, things of that nature even in prisons they have dogs that can find cellphones, ciggs and coffee, they may be training dogs to find seeds now idk but they dont really have a scent
My White Russian seeds from Serious Seeds had remnants of bud in the small vial...almost enough to take a small toke off of! ;)

Well, we shall see what happens next. One thing is for sure, if this is where the government is headed, the Tea Party might have another member come a few months. This government interference in my life is getting a little out of control!

the seeds dont give the same scent to the dogs as to what the actual drugs do, most dogs are trained for pot, coke, cash, things of that nature even in prisons they have dogs that can find cellphones, ciggs and coffee, they may be training dogs to find seeds now idk but they dont really have a scent