Attitude Seedbank SUX a BIG PHAT CHONCHO

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I call the OP and his post bullshit...

Lemme get this straight, you have a friend in Europe that can get you beans without having to pay for handling and all the extras yet you ordered from Attitude?
Your either full of shit or completely ignorant and enjoy wasting your $.

BTW your claim of growing for over 30 years falls short too, my 5 year old can communicate in a more adult manner than you. So either youre full of shit about your age or you are a semi retarded 40 something, cool; I always wondered what happened to Corky from Life Goes On, good to see youre still kicking Corky


Well-Known Member
no i acually i didn graduate i did fuck up up in high school and now im going to adult school to earn my diploma so i can get into a desent collage and earn a education, but to top it all off, im dislexic dick, so im not a good speller, all i was trying to do was make pease and you burned me, feel big ass hole cause this is just a thread on the internet and i know for a fact if you came to hawthorn right now with that mouth youd get droped, them are such a nice guy and do alot for people that dont derserve it...why do people like you take advantave of it
You felt the need to step up and defend a forum trouble maker. I also don't believe that you followed the entire thread or you would have known his late package was opened by customs and then resealed and sent to him. The ass acts like Attitude had control of customs. He also claims to have been growing weed since he was 10 years old. Dyslexic or not, facts are facts. I apologize that you had trouble adding up 2 and 2 and getting 4. Next time if you read the entire thread before opining, you might be better off.

Good luck in school.

Still waiting on that awesome grow journal to be updated twisted.... and yes, I'll keep waiting, because I know you downloaded net pictures and then upped them here claiming them to be your grow. It's kind of hillarious really... Now go away..... You got 30 some people telling you Attitude rocks. Your getting on the phone and "demanding" they make your order right had nothing to do with it showing up a couple of days later. You have obviously never received a package or envelope that was inspected by customs.... hard to believe after 30 years of growing and getting seeds from a "buddy" in Amsterdam....

You kill me Twisted....


Well-Known Member
I call the OP and his post bullshit...

Lemme get this straight, you have a friend in Europe that can get you beans without having to pay for handling and all the extras yet you ordered from Attitude?
Your either full of shit or completely ignorant and enjoy wasting your $.

BTW your claim of growing for over 30 years falls short too, my 5 year old can communicate in a more adult manner than you. So either youre full of shit about your age or you are a semi retarded 40 something, cool; I always wondered what happened to Corky from Life Goes On, good to see youre still kicking Corky
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hahahaha +rep for the corky beat me to it.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
You felt the need to step up and defend a forum trouble maker. I also don't believe that you followed the entire thread or you would have known his late package was opened by customs and then resealed and sent to him. The ass acts like Attitude had control of customs. He also claims to have been growing weed since he was 10 years old. Dyslexic or not, facts are facts. I apologize that you had trouble adding up 2 and 2 and getting 4. Next time if you read the entire thread before opining, you might be better off.

Good luck in school.

Still waiting on that awesome grow journal to be updated twisted.... and yes, I'll keep waiting, because I know you downloaded net pictures and then upped them here claiming them to be your grow. It's kind of hillarious really... Now go away..... You got 30 some people telling you Attitude rocks. Your getting on the phone and "demanding" they make your order right had nothing to do with it showing up a couple of days later. You have obviously never received a package or envelope that was inspected by customs.... hard to believe after 30 years of growing and getting seeds from a "buddy" in Amsterdam....

You kill me Twisted....
you would think someone that has been growing for 30 years would have done some breeding along the way creating his own strains.. but still buy seeds online??.. im almost 3 years into this and doing my own breeding after my current grow... i will no longer grow other peoples starins:smile: but growing out my own shit.. but still funny saying hes 40 years of age, but growing for 30
Attitude is one of the biggest and most reliable seedbank in the world and are one of the few that offer guaranteed delivery, twistedwords is seriously a twisted pompous douche bag nothing hes says has merit.


Well-Known Member
This post is fucking funny. Come to hawthorn and I'll kick your ass!! Hahahahahahahahshahah it's Hawthorne u retard some kids on here kill me!!!! The op is obviously a complete tool. The only thing he's ever grown was mold on his glasses in his moms basement!! What a bum
@twisted words what do you have affiliations with nirvana or something i see you slamming attitude and then promoting Nirvana in several times in several different threads


Well-Known Member
wow, this dude went off on another member's thread about the tude, now he's back! with his own thread! ahaha, troll

this guy has seriously spent ALL FUCKING DAY talking shit online about attitude seed bank, word.


Well-Known Member
i never said that, i said come to hawthorne with that mounth and see what happens, never said ill kick your ass
and oh wow, i forgot the e, ok, and im the bum, talk all the shit you want, the only reason i posted on here was to calm everyone down, bad idea, and i know your not refering to me on that growing shit, cause that just made me laugh honestly
This post is fucking funny. Come to hawthorn and I'll kick your ass!! Hahahahahahahahshahah it's Hawthorne u retard some kids on here kill me!!!! The op is obviously a complete tool. The only thing he's ever grown was mold on his glasses in his moms basement!! What a bum


Well-Known Member
So my little kiddies are upset that I was taught how to grow in the good ole USA and not from some douche in Europe? Thats so damn funny, listen up kiddies. We in America are the ones that have bred and made what you smoke today and not the ducthesses of douches. I see that my thread upset poor little Attitude pole tokers. Attitude SUX the big one.


Well-Known Member
i never said that, i said come to hawthorne with that mounth and see what happens, never said ill kick your ass
and oh wow, i forgot the e, ok, and im the bum, talk all the shit you want, the only reason i posted on here was to calm everyone down, bad idea, and i know your not refering to me on that growing shit, cause that just made me laugh honestly
Shit, your such a thug talking shit on the computer. Never even heard of Hawthorn anyways. Seriously though, dont talk shit on the computer it makes people that do look fucking retarded_

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I have a buddy in Europe who can go down to the cafe, get me some seeds for 10 U.S. dollars from the breedrs in holland and express sip them to me in 5 days..
So, you have a friend in Europe that will ship seeds from Holland in this post, then in the next post you rag on the Dutch breeders, man you are a tool. Make up your mind or at least organize your pathetic lies a little better.

So my little kiddies are upset that I was taught how to grow in the good ole USA and not from some douche in Europe? Thats so damn funny, listen up kiddies. We in America are the ones that have bred and made what you smoke today and not the ducthesses of douches.

Could you elaborate on why you get seeds from Holland from a friend yet the SAME SEEDS FROM THE SAME BREEDERS on Attitude are junk?

Not that it matters but I cant wait for the day when American breeders can come out of the underground and be appreciated for their work......I know this after reading your posts here, you arent gonna be one of them.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
you would think someone that has been growing for 30 years would have done some breeding along the way creating his own strains.. but still buy seeds online??.. im almost 3 years into this and doing my own breeding after my current grow... i will no longer grow other peoples starins:smile: but growing out my own shit.. but still funny saying hes 40 years of age, but growing for 30


Well-Known Member
for the last time, im not talking shit to anyone wtf and im no thug
and its a good thing you havent cause the people out here would accually feed off of your weekness
i dont live out here i live in a small ass city in southern cali my dad is the one who lives in LA
hes a medical marijuana cousultant/doctor so you can clearly understand why i spend my time out here
but thats not the point,, im not talking shit im clearly stating my opinun that the thread got outta control
and everyone needed to stop going crazy im sorry its done


Well-Known Member
LOL---Ink the world too bad to say but I am one of them. Don't get upset OK ducth breeders arent the only ones who know how to grow. Slap, did you know that almost all strains originated here in the USA either from the rocky mountains or oregon? You don't know shit about which was is up or down, so keep tugging on a seed distributors balls Attitude. They r just a speck of dust in our world of canabis


Well-Known Member
LAX Skuny, I have bred my own strains. It is nice though from time to time to try out someone elses strains in the world. You do know that it is not possible to come up with every single type of variation in breeding right? You arent the shiniest tool in the shed.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
LAX Skuny, I have bred my own strains. It is nice though from time to time to try out someone elses strains in the world. You do know that it is not possible to come up with every single type of variation in breeding right? You arent the shiniest tool in the shed.
hahahaha sure DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!