Attitude seedbank, need feedback on order status


New Member
I have many questions in regards to my order I made on Attitude Seedbank about a week ago. My package is here at my local post office because 'Signature Authorization' was required at the delivery address that I listed. I've never had to do signatures when it comes to ordering online for seeds. Not to mention they're illegal so yes.. I'm a bit spooked. My last package from Attitude did not require signature upon delivery and I have Emailed Attitude themselves in regards to this matter. Did YOU have to sign? Or is Attitude making a new rule for delivery methods, to ensure that the goods gets to the right person? and that Attitude themselves knows whether or not their customer got the goods so there is no Freebies going on if you get my drift.

They were not very helpful with their response.. I feel like I was answered a question I didn't ask....

I am a returning customer at Attitude and this is my second order transaction. I have one question in regards to the delivery method. Did you at Attitude have the delivery as "Registered" as in I have to sign for the package in person? I'm very curious as to why a signature was required.. The first time I ordered, there was no signature authorization required. The package that I ordered is up at my local post office and they left a note at the delivery address that I listed. It's a "Sorry We Missed You!" card. I need to know if Attitude set this as Registered or if something fishy is going on here because it seems like they want me to pick it up in person at my local post office. Some support would be greatly appreciated as I need to know what's going on.

Hi there

If the tracking is issued LY…. That does not require signature but if they have tried to deliver that you will be probably need to sign on collection
Many Thanks
The Attitude
Did you use a name that matches the name of somebody who actually resides at that address? Was the name that you used on the mailbox? What kind of address is it (house, business, etc)?

And don't post the tracking number and your email for godsake! lol

What they were saying was that no, you shouldn't really have to sign but because they didn't leave it there, for whatever reason (maybe the mail person didn't feel comfortable?) now you need to pick it up.
Never had to sign before.
If Attitude says it's nothing they did, then it's just something with your local Post office.
they are correct on the code for the shipping # though. LY is standard for them. All my orders have started in LY as well...

It seems a bit sketchy especially for your area(please remove your tracking #).. But your package passed through customs so fast, It doesn't seem that it was seized.

Good Luck man. hope everything is all good.
I'm not sure if they would even arrest you for seed purchase.
Never heard of people with small orders getting a knock at the door or anything....

Take care
It was under my own name, the reason why I had it shipped to a different address(which by the way it's a house) is because I've had several problems with the lady that delivers in my neighborhood(I live in a modular home complex) It's not a city route so they hire someone to do it for them which unfortunately for me, this lady is an idiot. She has left packages on top of my mailbox.. right out in the open. And I have had a bunch stolen because I didn't get to it in time lol. She might of as well put a note on it saying "TAKE ME" or something along those lines. And possibly having seeds of all things stolen.. I then have a big problem.. Some idiot will put two and two together and figure out I'm a grower.. And that would be a breach of security beyond monumental proportions. At the least I would become a target.

Ima steal yo identity fool lol..dont post that shit...I wouldn't sign unless ur a legal patient that can grow...also ive never had to sign for an attitude package they just put it in my mail box....ive made 3 orders none seized im in washington state
It was under my own name, the reason why I had it shipped to a different address(which by the way it's a house) is because I've had several problems with the lady that delivers in my neighborhood(I live in a modular home complex) It's not a city route so they hire someone to do it for them which unfortunately for me, this lady is an idiot. She has left packages on top of my mailbox.. right out in the open. And I have had a bunch stolen because I didn't get to it in time lol. She might of as well put a note on it saying "TAKE ME" or something along those lines. And possibly having seeds of all things stolen.. I then have a big problem.. Some idiot will put two and two together and figure out I'm a grower.. And that would be a breach of security beyond monumental proportions. At the least I would become a target.

Your problem is simple. You are not listed at the address you shipped to. If the USPS has your address on record and you ship somewhere you don't live, they usually hold it till you come get it.
No need for any concern anymore. But you really need to remove the tracking(article) number from the first post.. You don't want anyone knowing what town you live in. Security is #1 when it comes to growing marijuana.... Be careful.
Good luck again.
Thank you for your time and helping me resolve this issue guys.. Took down that info from the first post. Wasn't thinking! so thanks for not stealing my identity lol xD Got on a Copy N' Paste frenzy.